DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Running Scared

Who the hell goes jogging with a hand gun? I mean, besides me and Rick Perry, the esteemed governor of the great state of Texas.

The Senate treated us to a spectacle involving grifters in expensive suits, also known as the Goldman Sachs executive team. Boy, are they in trouble now. Here's a few highlights:

Turning to the music world, The Black Eyed Peas have recently released a new album, The End. One can only hope the title is prophetic. Also, I'd like to let my readers in on a little secret regarding John Mayer. His big hit, Your Body Is A Wonderland, was inspired by the top upper right picture on my last post.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Madness, Reefer and Otherwise

When I was a kid growing up in the outer suburbs of NYC, the announcer on local channel 5 would come on right before the 10pm news and say, “Its 10 o'clock, do you know where your children are?” Well folks, its 4/20, do you know where your medical marijuana dispensary is?

I'm letting celebrity crappola news get to me. I never read Gibbon's The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, but I'm sure they had their equivalent of E News, Life and Style magazine etc. etc. HuffPo treated me to what I assumed was supposed to be a tastefully nude pic of Kim Kardashian. Here's what she had to say:

"The message [of this shoot] is embrace your curves and who you are," Kim told Harper's Bazaar. "I feel proud if young girls look up to me and say, 'I'm curvy, and I'm proud of it now.'"

How vapid and self-absorbed can one human be? If my daughter was looking up to her, she would be immediately sent into intensive therapy. Kim and I do have one thing in common though. We both have revenge bodies.

Although I have issues with Hollywood types, my bud #2 is featured in a new flick and I'm not holding it against him.

However, I am pissed at The Exec. He owes me $31.60. I'd probably never see it except for the fact that I'm holding his bottle of 2008 Jazz Cellars Pinot hostage.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Bad

I had meant to give a shout out and and a big virtual hug on my last post to The UK, who treated me to a Mark Knopfler concert Tuesday at Oakland's Paramount Theater. Thanks pal!! If anyone is under the impression that Knopfler is not one helluva a geetar player, let me disabuse you of that notion. The boy can play. Tit for tat, I plan on taking The UK to a show this summer. As we speak, I'm lining up tickets to the Justin Bieber concert at The Oracle Arena on July 17.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Random Crap

HuffPo had a story titled "The Story Behind John Paul Stevens' Decision To Retire From The Supreme Court". Regardless of what factors played a role, I say he's a quitter. Nobody should stop working before they hit 100.

Jim Carrey's been on the tweet machine lately. He's saying that Tiger's wife was a “willing participant” in his cheating. Then he said Ben Roethlisberger sexually assaulted him. In a related story, The Total Shithead Club met recently and unanimously voted in Jim, Ben and Tiger.

Eight time loser Larry King's marriage is crumbling amid allegations of infidelity. Really!! Well, if you like screwing gargoyles, you may as well pick a rich one.

Do you like the way corporations constantly make crap up? They are no longer concerned with customer service. Don't get me wrong, they still care deeply about you. However, they now want to enhance the client experience. In that same vein, have I provided you an excellent blog experience today?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

DC Days

I got a week off work recently. I'd like to make a habit of that. I headed to DC on April 2. It is a date that will remain vivid forever, as it was on that day 20 years ago that UNLV beat Duke for the NCAA basketball championship. I even remember where I was, which was St. Mary's Hospital in SF, because my first son was also born that day.

We took SB1 and his posse out for provender after I arrived. It was an absolutely gorgeous day in DC, which ended up being to our detriment, since everyone and their brother was out and about, and apparently hungry. We had tried to get a couple reservations but the type of joint we wanted to go to didn't take them. I'm not buying a pack of ravenous students haute cuisine. After about 2-3 miles walking, my outer limit, we were able to seat nine at Old Glory, with good pub grub and IPA on tap. I had actually had a meal there on the trip to drop the boy off for his first semester. My bud Wig was with us that time. After this meal I gave the kid a $20 to buy his boys some ice cream. He apparently stiffed them and kept the dough.

We were staying at my wife's brother's house in Potomac. Thing were a little more sedate than the time we stayed there during the aforementioned inaugural drop off - see 9/2/08 post - as it was owner occupied. We had a great Easter dinner as well as a trip to the Baltimore suburbs for an outstanding Easter brunch at my sister-in-law's brother's house. Are you following all this in-law stuff? We did treat the in-laws to a sumptuous meal at Jaleo, a block from the Verizon Center in DC. This dinner in no way came close to making up for the disruption my family's stay at their abode invoked.

We met up with #1 and family on Monday for a Capitol tour. His son is a Congressional intern so we didn't have to wait in as many lines as the throngs of people there with kids on Easter break. Congress was not in session so I didn't see any famous faces, except for the many statues I encountered. I had not accessed my work email in the interim, so #1 informed me that The Exec bit on my 4/1 post, which made my day. We wrapped the afternoon up at a Mexican restaurant nearby. Passable, but Mexican is much better on the west coast. Many thanks to #1's SB1.

The next few days consisted of more quality time with my SB1, like buying him a suit and lots of chow. We also visited the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA with the daughter. She'll be heading out in little more than a year. How the hell did I get so old so fast?

On our flight back home I noticed Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos sitting in first class. Since he's a lefty, shouldn't he be in cattle class with the rest of the masses? We nodded to each and briefly acknowledged that we don't read others blogs. I then took my 2nd class seat. Now I'm stuck inside of Foster City with the DC blues again.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Inspiration To Continue

I only have a minute, because I have to run over to The Exec's house to help get the hook out of his mouth, but I want to thank him for his kind and encouraging words regarding my last post.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ciao Belli

I've been giving this a lot of thought lately and I've come to a decision that it is time for me to suspend this blog. I've really enjoyed sharing my odd ruminations with my small reader base. However, with my responsibilities at work and my home life as hectic as ever, I don't have the time needed to devote to this effort, at least at the level I think it deserves. I hope at some point to pick it back up. Thank you very much for tuning in.