DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Obama’s iPod

Given the liberal media’s bias, I shouldn’t be surprised to see the focus on what Obama has on his iPod. In typical fashion, John McCain’s extensive collection of 78 rpm phonograph records has been given short shrift.

I can see my lefty friends running out to buy the new edition of Rolling Stone. These guys, which include the numbers, The Exec and TCG, are a microcosm of the low information voting bloc that will likely sweep Obama into The White House. The only guy I can have a decent political conversation with these days is The Banker.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

True Grit

My friend Braveheart, aka #2, had a recent face-off with a murine marauder. He was generous enough to say that I provided some inspiration (see 4/22/07 post), but he saved both home and family without the benefit of the rodent being moribund. I salute you #2!

I’ve been following politics a bit lately. I saw an article in Yahoo a few weeks back that stated McCain led Obama among NASCAR fans. I guess I’m in the minority that enjoys watching loud cars circle a track hundreds of times yet plan to vote for Obama. Senator McCain has gotten the best headlines recently though. He stated yesterday that he supports lifting the ban on offshore drilling. Today I see he’s called for building 45 new nuclear reactors by 2030. I’m now awaiting his stance on the clubbing of baby seals.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Desperate For Hits

My wife and I decided to have a date night last night. However, given our recent financial discussions about college etc., we wanted to make it cheap. I consulted The Chron’s “Bargain Bites” section and came up with a winner. We had dinner at La Corneta in Burlingame, real “Fresh Mex” at the right price. I had a large combo plate and she had prawn tacos. With a beer each, the total came to under $24. Two thumbs up from DJ’s Detritus.

We then took a walk up Burlingame Ave. It seemed slower than usual, not that we spend a lot of time there. We noticed several empty storefronts. I guess even Burlingame can only support so many superfluous boutiques. We also visited the Apple store. The wife checked out the iPods as I systematically went to every demo computer in the store and brought up my blog. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

It Was Mine

Back when I was a kid living in PA, I went to a birthday party with a bunch of my grade school classmates. During the party they gave out balloons with a piece of paper in each one. One of those papers was marked and the holder got a prize. One boy persuaded me to trade with him. I gave it some thought and then went for it. It turns out I had been holding the winning balloon before the trade. I was pissed and raised a stink. I even continued carrying on when I got home. After a day or so my mother was at wit’s end. As a last ditch effort, she organized a conference call with the PA congressional delegation so they could finally convince me to give up.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Graduation Day

Like my prolific blogging colleague, The Exec, I've decided to try my hand at movie reviews. Graduation Day is the name of two movies, one from 1981 and the other from 2003. I haven’t seen either.

In Foster City, we’ve been partying like its 1999. It all started at the Belgian’s house Memorial Day weekend. Mrs. Belgian received her master’s degree from SFSU so hubby went all out. On their waterfront deck was a samba band, oyster bar and cocktails. In the kitchen, the caterer was cranking out lobster quesadillas, steak lollipops and other delicacies. I entered the scene, appropriately, to the soft strains of Girl from Ipanema.

All the regulars were there as well as some other FC folks I knew and many I didn’t. I met up with The Exec and #1 at the bar. Their seething resentment was palpable. I discovered the source was a bartender that was challenged by the fact that he had only one martini shaker and no vermouth. Cooler heads prevailed, as I reminded them all this was on the Belgian’s dime, thus averting a protest of abstinence, which would make these guys irritable and largely unbearable. The bartender had just finished up making a mango martini when I ordered a desiccated vodka martini up. When he handed it to me I said, “I heard of dirty martinis pal, but this is ridiculous”. The Belgian then slugged me, so I promised to behave.

I ran into #2 and TCG at the oyster bar. After slurping down a few, I tried chatting them up. They wouldn’t talk to me. I don’t why. I then went looking for my wife. She wouldn’t talk to me either. I grabbed a second drink and tried meeting some new folks. No takers. I decided to sit by myself and listen into a political conversation The Banker and #2 were having. After a bathroom break, I came back to see them wrestling off the deck, into the lagoon. When I pointed it out to The Belgian, he slugged me again. However, the night ended on a positive note as I led a conga line in the moonlight. Few people realize I have the legs of a dancer.

This past week saw several events unfold. Six kids from the village graduated from their respective high schools. Four of them, including my son, walked at St. Mary’s in SF. It was two hours but went pretty quickly. It was quite brisk outside as the boys threw their caps in the air. After pictures with friends and family, we headed back home for a low key lunch. My big boy heads off to George Washington U. in a few months. We’re putting him to work until then.

That evening was another graduation party at The Exec’s house. His daughter, the guest of honor, was lovely and gracious. Mrs. Exec provided a bevy of gustatory delights. I couldn’t get a mango martini but the selection of Rosenblum wines made up for it. I conversed with many folks that evening, including some out of town guests. TCG, #2 and I kissed and made up.

I slept in late Sunday morning. I needed my rest. An afternoon party at The Banker’s house awaited. It was yet another opportunity for an excellent chow down. There was a ton of food so I didn’t feel bad about stuffing some tri-tip in my pockets on the way out. In the interim, I palavered with my hail-fellow-well-met village compadres and the rest of the guests. I thought the bar would be limited to The Banker’s drink of choice, Rosé, but that was not the case. As we sat in the sun, The Exec and I grooved on the rap music. It transported us back to our high school days.

Congrats Grads!!