DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Thursday, June 27, 2019


As you know, I’m an avid swimmer, putting in as much as 15 minutes a day at the pool.  I’m generally there at the same time as a guy that has been griping the hell out of me.  I’ve decided to call him Aquaman.

It is summer now, but he still wears a full wetsuit to swim.  He also does not have a gym bag.  He keeps his stuff in a carry-on suitcase. Whatever floats your boat.  What pisses me off is that the guy leaves about a half-gallon of water on the locker room floor and NEVER cleans it up.  I’ve thrown down a few towels on his mess to try to clue him in, to no avail.  He’ll get dressed and split with Lake Erie behind him.  Next time I plan to have a chat with him.  I was worried I was going to have to learn that language required to communicate with dolphins, but I consulted Wikipedia, which told me Aquaman is "able to speak and understand any language on earth", so I got that going for me.

I caught this sad celeb news today.  I shared it with 4M, and he was as distraught as I was.  I’m thinking Mr. Hussy needs to consider a career change.

I made polenta for dinner last night.  The last batch didn’t come out too well, so I got a new recipe.  I used to make it all the time when the kids were young.  My daughter, who is currently touring Asia, still looks at the stuff with revulsion. This batch was nothing to write home about either. Tonight, the wife is having some work friends over for dinner and I volunteered to make beer can chicken for the crew.  I want it well documented so I can use it in a future squabble.

The Democratic debates started last night.  I was not too stoked because Joe Sestak jumped in too late to make the cut. But I was resigned to tuning in as NRATV was no longer an option.  In the end I just ran through 70 or so channels a few times.

The Olympics is only about 40 years behind the times

This was a featured article on Wikipedia yesterday, so I checked in.

After the initial four paragraphs above the contents, someone inserted the following, but they had it corrected before I had a chance to share.  I’m sharing here, which I’m sure you appreciate.

“Cheesesteak is a favorite among these people, as they often ate it around brunch.”

Monday, June 17, 2019

Opaque Offshore Vehicle

I recently read “A real estate company part-owned by Jared Kushner has received $90m in foreign funding from an opaque offshore vehicle since he entered the White House”. I live in a fantasy world where opaque offshore vehicles ensure that everyone in the world has enough to eat and access to medical care.

I saw a headline asking why so many people are dying on Mt. Everest.  The first thing that came to my mind is because they are f@#king morons.

We had some crazy heat in Foster City last week.  I am a weather wimp on both ends of the spectrum, but I’ll take 30° over 100°.  It was really hot in DC as well, which I think is what killed the Macron/Trump friendship tree.

Trumpy said adios to Sarah Huckabee Sanders last week – a grateful nation salutes you Huck – and also kicked Mulvaney out of his office for coughing during his ABC interview.  Do you think his staff is on pins and needles? That interview should be Exhibit A in the impeachment proceedings.  What the hell are they waiting for?  Mueller handed it to you on a plate.

Bill Maher doesn’t have much interest in visiting second and third world countries.  He won’t go where you can take a chicken on a bus.  He should probably stay out of SF’s Chinatown.  I detailed my experience there on my 6/22/14 post.  You guys like looking through my past work, don’t you?

I watched all of the HBO series Chernobyl.  I recommend it.  Many years ago, before the introduction of the CPAP, my wife used to give me a quick shove if I was snoring.  It was not working one night so she gave me a harder shove and said “Turn over”.  I woke up and responded “Chernobyl??!!”

Saturday, June 08, 2019

Celebration Bells

We went to a wedding celebration last weekend.  Let’s be clear.  It was not a wedding.  It was a celebration.  The wedding happened on a Utah cliff in March with just the immediate families and the celebrant. The happy couple is #1’s SB1 and his wife, Mrs. #1 SB1. We had a good old time celebrating with them and many others.  From the village was #2, The Bankers, Belgians, Execs, Hoteliers, TCGs and several village kids. OK, let’s call them young adults, though that is a stretch.  We also saw our roomie from last summer and met the bride’s family.

This all happened in the San Diego area, where my nuptials took place 31 years ago.  We flew into SAN, picked up the kids and went to a lunch with my wife’s cousin, one of her childhood friends and two of my mother-in-law’s friends.  Those two are approaching their 90s but are alert and loveable as ever.  We ate a George’s At the Cove and rubbed elbows with some of the La Jolla elite.  After lunch we ran into The Bankers on the street.  I was surprised and thought this was quite a coincidence. I then realized they were down here for the same reason as I and copped to my cluelessness.

We stayed at the Singing Hills golf club, which is run by the Sycuan Casino folks.  We had a room each for the two kids and the honeymoon suite for my wife and me.  The Exec’s daughter and her partner stayed with my daughter.  I tried to extract a couple Jacksons from them as they were leaving Sunday.  I asked her if she had had a chance to hit the ATM.  Oh, I kid.  I would never charge them, although I have kept a running tab of every dime I’ve spent on my own kids since they graduated high school.

Friday night the crew met at the Sycuan casino and all the drinks were on #1.  Since this was a rare occasion that #1 pried open his billfold, several of the FCMC dudes bellied up to the bar to do a few shots of the most expensive stuff they had.  “What the hell do you mean you don’t carry Johnny Walker Blue?!”

The big event was Saturday afternoon in a remote area close to #1’s sister’s house.  We were in a corral, which I felt was an appropriate venue for the FCMC.  We got shuttled up there around 3:30 and it turned out to be a very lovely day in more than just weather.  The bar was busy and after a few rounds of appetizers, we were treated to a taco bar, a carving station and salad and ravioli. 

My son gave a speech after dinner.  He began by giving a quick nod to my beautiful daughter, who just received her graduate degree and passed up her graduation ceremony to attend.  He then recalled several of his escapades with the groom and defined a wedding as “the removal of weeds from a garden”.  He was followed by #1’s heartfelt remarks and a few words from the couple.

The well-fed fun bunch then hit the dance floor.  This is the first corral I’ve seen with a dance floor.  I am not much of a dancer, but I got motivated when Whitney Houston’s I Wanna Dance With Somebody came on.  I invited my wife to the floor, and I left it all out there.  Later I did a few steps to bust the chops of the line dancers, but then I was spent.  I caught the 9:30 shuttle and the rest of family was on the 10.

Sunday morning was breakfast at the club restaurant.  When I asked for my check, I was alerted that #1 was picking it up.  I told the waitress she should have told me that before I ordered. After breakfast we had our long goodbyes.  I sang my newest tune, modeled on Air Supply’s I’m All Out Love.  “I’m all out of hugs.  I don’t want to touch you”

Many thanks to the generous #1 and wife and CONGRATS to the newlyweds.

Last night, the festivities moved to Gull, where my wife’s traditional school year end bash doubled as her retirement party.  She has three weeks left and I cannot wait until we are together 24 x 7, since I work from home.

Speaking of that, I was on duty to receive some tables and chairs that were being delivered in the morning.  I was expecting a few stout young men, but it was one 74 year old gentleman that showed up.  I told him to make sure he didn’t scratch anything when he lugged all that stuff to the backyard.  NO!  I helped him, but you knew that since you are well aware that I am a solid citizen.

The party went off very well.  My wife clarified that my presence was not optional, as in past years.  There were a few teary-eyed speeches and tons of Mexican food and adult beverages.  I played busboy a few times, but people were puzzled when I put out a tip jar.  I also chased a few people around with to go containers as they were leaving, since we had a lot of food that I did not want to go to waste.  I then peeled off early to watch the Warriors go down to defeat.  The stragglers did a great clean up job, including getting the tables and chairs to the side of the house for pickup.

Tonight, we are making a rare foray to the theater to catch Rocketman.  I am going to suggest to my wife we hit Gofish for a poke bowl beforehand.  I’ve been on a poke kick since I had some from a food truck at the Hiller Aviation Museum.  If you are going to eat raw fish, make sure you get it from a truck.