DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, August 30, 2019

Three Day Weekend

I decided I better get another post in or I’d be 1 for August.  And with an average of three page views a day, I know you are clamoring for more.

We did our DC/NJ beach vacation earlier this month.  Our first night in DC, we took the crew out to Zaytinya and we ordered the chef’s menu.  Talk about busting a gut.  Tasty though.  The next night we went to Supra, a Georgian restaurant, before heading to the Kennedy Center to see a Second City performance.

The next day we drove to Stone Harbor to hang with the in-laws and cousins.  This is not my Dad’s Ocean City vacation from the 1960s.  He thought he was living large if there was a screened in porch for him to relax on with his Rolling Rock ponies.  The place we were in had about a dozen beds and baths, an upstairs kitchen and a fountain from which flowed Chopin vodka.  Ok, not really, just a very large bottle of Chopin, since my brother-in-law is a connoisseur.

But vacations are fleeting, except for my retired wife.  The next one does not come until mid-September, when we go to Chicago and Ann Arbor for the nuptials of Wig’s older son.  Dr. Joe and wife will join us so it will be quite the event.  The Wig is treating us to dinner at Gibson’s as well as my first game ever at Wrigley.  I’m purposely documenting this because I plan to order at least three entrees at Gibson’s, and I do not want pushback.

We had a quick getaway last weekend to Tahoe as the guests of the TCGs.  They have completely remodeled their place since the roof of the garage collapsed from snow a few years ago and it is a showcase.  We also got to go out on the boat a couple days.  We had several beers, some of which were made with fruit added.  I’ve heard of egg in your beer. But fruit?  I blame millennials.

#1 was in town this week so we had many of the FC crew over for dinner.  I made beer can chicken, which was met with raves.  Tender!  Moist!  Edible!  And the gang was very understanding when I set the timer for 8:30 to kick them out so I could go to bed.

So, what did you guys do for National Dog Day on the 26th?  I didn’t do anything either.  I told a high school friend I was waiting for National Cat Day on October 29th. I’m pretty sure I was a cat lady in a past life.

I mentioned Aquaman on a recent post.  I saw him a couple weeks ago next to the large body of water he left on the locker room floor.  I threw a towel on it and asked if he thought it might be a good idea to wipe up after himself, so nobody slips and gets hurt.  I think I heard a grunt.  However, when I saw him this week, he had wiped up after himself.  It is amazing what a tender word will do.

This Labor Day weekend is a special one.  The oldest daughter of The Belgians is getting married in Los Gatos on Sunday.  It is going to be a luxe event, but I'm going even though I won't fit in.  There will be shuttles from Foster City. I understand canapés will be served on the shuttle and the event entrance will feature a fountain of Chopin vodka.

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Debate Club

The first thing my wife asked me the other morning was my take on the debates.  I had to break it to her that I skimmed the articles ranking the pols and “five takeaways” or “seven takeaways” but did not have much to say.  According to Wikipedia, it looks like there was one fatality.
Regardless, I’m still on the Sestak 2020 train.

The wife and I headed to the big city yesterday.  We had a good meal at the Wayfare Tavern. Beforehand, we spent about half an hour deciding if the parking spot on Sacramento St. was OK.  We like to be sure of these things. Fortunately, the meter takes credit cards because we did not have the 30 quarters we’d have to pump in for 2 hours parking.

We were then off to MOMA.  We caught a Warhol exhibit, a very cool huge mural, and some snapshots by a local dude.

We’re heading east for vacation this week.  I hear DC in August is beautiful.  We’re there for a few days and then up to the NJ shore.  I love the beach, except for all the women gawking at me in my Speedo.  I told my wife I’m bringing my laptop, as I’m concerned about my company’s stock crashing if I am incommunicado.

#1 sent me a WaPo article, without realizing that I am a complete tightwad. I got hung up on the paywall.  I think they let me have one article a month.  It’s OK though, because since it was from #1, it was probably soporific.

In solidarity with Kylie, I’m unfollowing Jordyn Woods on Instagram.

I’ll close with a belated happy 70th birthday wish for The Wig.