DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, December 09, 2022

Xmas Looms

My annual Xmas letter has been written and should be gracing your mailboxes within the next two weeks. It is awaiting final editorial approval from my wife.

That was one hell of a comeback in the Raiders/Rams game last night.  Baker Mayfield pulled it off after being on the team for a couple days.  The only advice I’d give him is to keep his helmet on when he head butts his teammates.  I had chosen the Raiders as did all but two of my pool opponents, so the loss won’t hurt me. I’m tied for 5th and already counting my do re mi.  And Tommy Boy is coming home but I’m afraid he’ll be heading back to Tampa with another L. Here’s this week’s picks.

LV Buf Cin Dal Det Phi Pit Ten KC Sea SF Mia NE

4M and his wife came over Tuesday night.  My old pal brought some fine wines as usual.  I was most enamored of the Dehlinger Syrah. We went from champagne to white to red to port. This dinner is why I missed our weekly FCMC Zoom call, but it gave those guys an opportunity to talk trash about me.  I won’t make the next one either because Mashie and Unc are coming over for dinner. Tuesday is the new Saturday. I made the following recipe for the 4Ms.  I do not recommend it unless you have culinary skills approaching mine.

The SF Board of Supes has reversed their decision on killer robots. I guess the voice of reason in the back of their heads spoke up. On the plus side, there’s more killer robot availability to deal with the FC geese problem.  #1 and I saw a bunch of them on our walk this week, but we avoided them and their excrement to the best of our ability.

“Goblin mode” has been chosen word of the year. Need I remind the chuckleheads that came up with it that that is two words? C’mon people! And the color of 2023 is viva magenta.  I’m heading to Indochino to have a suit made in that shade.

Friday, December 02, 2022

Da Muse

#1 said he hadn’t seen a post for a while.  You know what that means?  It is time to get writing.  He also invited me for one of our weekly constitutionals, but he didn’t specify a particular day, which led to some confusion.  This is OK as a state of confusion when talking to #1 is the status quo.

Did you see it was Giving Tuesday this week? I told several people to “gimme a f@#$%&g break”.

#1 is not my only muse.  My wife always reminds me when she thinks there is something I need to write about.  In this case it was our Monterey Thanksgiving celebration. SB1 was in town with his new bride after a conference in Portland, during which they got to visit with the girl. We went down Wednesday and spent the night. That day we went to Dust Bowl Brewing for a few beers and tacos. I had a Therapist and one of the others tried the Confused Therapist.  This is not Bud level ABV, so we walked away a tad tipsy.

We all teamed up on Thursday to produce a fine meal.  My culinary skills did not need to be employed but I did jump in to do a bit of cleaning.  My wife loves the fact that I actually like cleaning the kitchen.  It makes me feel like I have a skill set.  I imagine all married couples don’t have things go as smoothly when both sets of parents are set loose on a holiday.  The bird as well as all sides came out great, without even a hint of acrimony during the prep, and we brought home several meals worth.  The last of the turkey will be deployed in a shepherd’s pie tonight.

On my 3/16/22 post I expressed my fear of robots.  But now that the police want to use them to kill people, I’m OK with it. As I put on FB, “what could go wrong?” I bet #1 is thinking this would be a good solution to Foster City’s geese problem.

Mango Mussolini is at it again.  I saw this headline and thought to myself, “gee, I don’t think screening is the issue”. Maybe that’s just me.  There’s too much ugly crap going on in this country. I saw one article referring to Kanye as a “black white nationalist”. I know I said it back in 2016 but I cannot see Trump getting too far in 2024. 

It is week 13 and I am in a tie for sixth place in my NFL pool, which is a money spot.  I plan to keep up my stellar prognostications and end up with some cash.  Here are this week’s picks.  You can take them to the bank. I had a little difficulty with my MIA/SF pick, but ultimately I went with the home team.

Buf Pit Bal GB Det Cle Min NYG Phi Sea SF KC LAC Dal TB