DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, February 07, 2020


Unc and I have been left to our own devices since the wives have taken a trip down to Santa Barbara for the weekend.  So I invited him along with The Exec for a brisket dinner at the manse on Gull tomorrow.  Unc had asked if I invited The Wolv, which I would have loved to, but he is a Masshole now.  I'm thinking of giving the boy a call later today if I can pry myself away from my ToT duties.

I was at my local Total Wine branch today and I came upon this 99 pack of PBR.  Since most of my dear readers are also FB friends, you may recall that this was featured in a post a while back.  I remarked to a fellow customer how I'd pick up a sixer of 16 oz. PBRs and keep them in my dorm mini fridge in college.  He admonished me not to talk to strangers.

I got some junk mail from  They said "Foster City, it's time to consign".  I got your consignment right here. In any case, I understand this is their theme song.

You know how Mormons have magic underwear?  Well, I decided to get some magic apparel as well.  These are my skid resistant socks.  I may get you a pair for your next birthday.

Our Senate is pitiful.  I'm glad Willard voted against his party, but the rest of the Republicans are invertebrates, excepting Moscow Mitch, who is just plain evil. Susan Collins said Trump “has learned from this case” and “will be much more cautious in the future.”  How is that working out for you, moron? Trump was waving an "acquitted" headline and losing his shit at the National Prayer breakfast.  I like Mr. Pierce's take.