DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Perjury Taylor Greene

Jimmy Kimmel’s team came up with that one and I applaud them. Back on 5/16/07, I posted about another forgetful Republican and referenced the below song, which fits MTG to a T.  If you’re looking for more info on her testimony, tune into CNN+.

The wife and I are heading to NYC next month, so I tried to make reservations at a two Michelin star joint named Gabriel Kreuther.  I’ve been having a little trouble with the on-line system, which leads me to the conclusion that they don’t want a peasant like me at their place. Why the hell do I want to go there anyway?  Because I am as pretentious as the next guy.  I had asked The Wig if he was familiar with it, but he was not. He asked what I was doing in NYC. I explained that the UN had asked me to speak on the proliferation of lousy blogs, as mine is a prime example.  Did you read that last post? What a snooze fest! I couldn’t even come up with a good joke about getting UV rays on my nut sack.

On that same topic, my bud Unc was under the impression that you had to do the testicle tanning at red stop lights. I let him know that that is just one option, and that Fox News is putting ladders to and seats atop selected red lights for that purpose. What? Is that any weirder than the rest of the shit that comes out of Fox?

We had a nice time last weekend for Greek Easter, or Greaster as I’ve referred to it previously.  TCG’s Sonny Boy #1 hosted this event at his new home by the railroad tracks. Fret not, he lives on the right side. We did a traditional egg cracking contest, which I lost on the first round so I don’t want to talk about it anymore.  We had quite a feast and I even had some of the lamb, which I normally eschew. Tasty stuff.  Greek beers and Ouzo were also featured. I tried to behave myself, so I get invited back next year.

I’d like to congratulate #1, who is wrapping up a stellar corporate career tomorrow.  He will still be on the payroll for another month or so to be available to answer questions, such as “What the hell did you do with those yellow highlighters?” and “How did you unjam the printer last time?”

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Happy 4-20

It’s a nice day so I decided to have some oral surgery.  They put the second implant in this morning, as the first one had failed.  It all went smoothly, and the anesthetic is still working. I can gobble Advil and Tylenol once it wears off. They said to take it easy today, so no swimming or tanning my balls.

If you’d like to see a Republican dickhead get handed their hat, watch this.

I had a chat with The Wig last week.  He had dug up a 1995 letter I had written to him while he was living in London.  I thought he was going to ask if he could submit this fine DJ’s Detritus precursor to the Smithsonian, but he wanted my permission to shred it.  That hurt my feelings.

My social life is ablaze as usual.  We spent another weekend in San Diego earlier this month for a wedding.  A couple teammates from my daughter’s college hoops team tied the knot and my girl was the officiant.  She did an excellent job with the ceremony, combining touching sentiments and humor.  We had a great time re-connecting with the team and their families.  We also hung out with another pair of UCSD grads that live in Portland and got married last year.  The night before the wedding we took out the daughters of The Banker and The Hotelier, who are now living in San Diego.  I sent The Banker and The Hotelier a Venmo request but haven’t heard back. We were treated to a luxury stay at the home of my wife’s cousin in Coronado. Her son’s marriage was the one I referenced in my 3/29 post.

We were with #1 and Barbie this past weekend.  We went up to the big city on Saturday afternoon.  We then took an Uber over to the Richmond to dine at Chapeau! As usual, the food was outstanding, and we were all happy to see it thriving once again.  We spent the night and were treated to a tasty brunch featuring a quiche and Tartine treats on Sunday morning.

I saw recently that Liz Sheridan, the woman who played Seinfeld’s mom, had passed away.  That reminded me of the time that Barney Martin, who played his dad, picked me up while I was hitchhiking in Rhinebeck, NY back in 1981.  He was quite a nice guy.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

All Celebs All the Time

Kourtney Kardashian and walking tattoo Travis Braker have gotten married. I wish them all the happiness in the world for whatever brief period they will be together.

Meghan Markle is trying to trademark the word “archetypes” for her podcast.  I posted on FB that I’m trying to trademark the word “ridiculous”, and I got a decent bit of attention that I constantly crave.  Meghan and I are archetypes of self-absorption.

I did a quick review of the recent Grammys on HuffPo.  You can check out all the looks below.  I’ll be 65 in a few weeks so I’m OK with the fact that I never heard of some of these people.  I did notice a lot of clunky footwear, which I can’t imagine is too comfortable, but I sense comfort is not what many of these folks are going for.  However, Justin Bieber looked like he had room to move in the big suit he borrowed from David Byrne.