DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, March 29, 2010

Double Deuce

We just had our 22nd wedding anniversary. I took my bride out for dinner at The Village Pub, where we were just two of the many beautiful people. My wife had a stiff martini. It helped dull the realization that she has spent the majority of her adult life living with me. We also shared a bottle of Ceps Syrah. I zeroed in on it on the “wines under $60” page of the wine list. In a case of mistaken identity, wifey ordered some appetizer that ended up being nothing like she expected. She liked it OK, at least she said she did, so it wasn't exactly a $16 error. I stuck with a cheap salad. For entrees, she had the halibut, for the hell of it. My fillet was primo, and she mooched some.

We went home to watch a tape delayed victory by WVA. It ran out about five minutes too early but they had it virtually in hand by then. If they take it all the way, I win the work pool and The Banker wins the village pool. I'll take the former, since there is dough involved. Yesterday it was tough to see LaceDarius, Tweety and crew go down to those Duke dudes but it helped the pool.

Speaking of The Banker, his daughter's team just won the state championship. THAT'S HUGE!! Congrats to all. I put a victory sign up on their garage but I'm letting my wife and Mrs. Exec take credit for it. This summer my girl plays with the state champs and I'll be hanging with the parents up in Portland at The End of the Trail tournament. I hope they like me.

I see in the news that an 80 year old Imelda Marcos is running for office in the Philippines. The article said she was on the campaign trail in diamonds and jade. Her pendant had an abbreviation inscribed on it: C4E. It stands for “clueless forever”.

I made a Safeway stop today. I saw a lot of license plate expression. One guy had F L S H. I think he was going for flash but I interpreted it as flush. Then there was a plate holder that said “Happiness Is Being Joey's Dad”. That is SO cute. I wish I had his kids.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Small Town News

I almost ran into The Banker today. Literally. Those Foster City four way stops can be treacherous. Plus the guy used to drive race cars so it makes me a little nervous seeing him behind the wheel. He's been reading the blog lately, which is surprising. I expect the numbers, TCG and The Exec to tune in often, as they are collectively about as sharp as a cue ball. But the Banker has some smarts, like all my upstate NY cronies. I'll take 'em where I can get 'em. I'm already up to 355 hits this month.

Speaking of the FC crowd, I came across an article today that I think would be of great interest to them.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Situation

is this. The Jersey Shore cast members are making $10k per episode. I was listening to talk radio last week, which I rarely do because my interior monologues are so interesting. The DJs were talking about Snooki et al being on The View and how Whoopi Goldberg was telling them to save their money. Great job Whoopi! That money is manna for morons and they ought to bank it. Just like that Gaga lady should. She's making so much dough she has airbags built into her costumes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello America, My Name Is DJ

Hey, that sounds like a Ting Tings song.

I was in tears when I told Barbara Walters that I found these photos repulsive.

But it was for different reasons than Rielle. That's my real gut. Sad, but true. Ms. Hunter is a film maker so I'm going to go out on a limb and assume she is familiar with how cameras work. Our culture is rife with moronic sensibilities.

I'd like to get a pair of pants like these, as long as they have tummy control and a built-in bulge. I'll have to save up to get the boots later.

My old high school pal JB was in town for some CA style touch feely mediation training. She came by last Thursday night for a snarkfest and some Osso Buco. I invited The UK along. Those two never spoke in high school, but became fast friends in the recent past via Facebook and email. The UK brought a fine Pinot and dessert. JB brought some East Coast attitude. Remember JB, I got comment moderation.

Hawaii is considering a bill to ignore requests for proof of Obama's citizenship. I'm all for it. This dovetails nicely with what every creature with a brain larger than an avocado pit has been doing for some time.

That's all folks. I gotta go check on the piece of pickled meat I'm boiling for dinner.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I ain't got much. Hopefully I'll have something of substance up here, as is usually the case, by mid-week. But I'm committed to maintaining my SLA

Jennifer Love Hewitt and Jamie Kennedy broke up. Honestly, I didn't see that coming. Maybe he didn't appreciate her decorating skills.

I was watching Friday's Letterman Fun Facts segment yesterday. It turns out that the Apostle Peter almost missed The Last Supper because he had had a big lunch.

Kate's on the People cover again. “Why can't a mom have fun?” Well, I think she can, but that usually means something like going out with the girls on a Friday night for Cosmos, as opposed to spending seven hours in the salon getting ready for your star turn. Gosh darn it, am I getting too judgmental?

Monday, March 08, 2010


That was the text I received from The Exec Friday. I got a little indignant, thinking it none of his business. I was going to excoriate him, but then decided against it, and just responded “not lately”. I felt foolish when I realized he sent it Wednesday night and was inquiring about my kid's hoops game. I guess keeping my cell phone in my car turned off 90% of the time has its disadvantages.

I drove by a Little Gym recently. It got me thinking, which is never a good thing. I had one when I was growing up. It's the second picture on my 4/25/09 post. My brother ran that my gym and was also my personal trainer. The conditioning regimen included tree climbing, apple fights and boxing matches with insufficiently padded gloves.

I got to see bro Saturday night. The wife and I spent the night at my sister's house, where we partied like it was 1989, the last pre-kids year. My brother made a fantastic minestrone to start off our meal. I had no idea the dude could cook. We were then served homemade raviolis in a vodka sauce. WOW! This rivaled any meal I've had at high end SF Italian restaurants in recent memory. It was all washed down with a fine Frank Family Cabernet. The wonderful evening was only briefly interrupted by a call from my daughter. She let us know that Sonny Boy 2 had decided to strip down and drop one on the carpet. She told us she needed another $20 in babysitting fees. We acquiesced, as we considered it hazardous duty pay.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Diet Tips

Watch "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and you won't be able to keep anything down.

Monday, March 01, 2010

I'm This Many

Hey Folks

It's my blog's fourth birthday. You know where I live. Send presents.

I ran into The Exec and wife about a week ago. We talked about my blog, as we and many others often do. The Exec said I should encourage more comments. So I will. I'd love to hear from you. If I don't like what you have to say, I can just delete it. So comment away. Let me know what you'd like to see here during year five. Here's a few possible topics:

what DJ thinks about stuff
how DJ feels about stuff
ego blather
desperate, yet weak, attempts at humor
family and friends that are pissing me off
execrable celebrity news
esoterica and crapolla