DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Desperate For Hits

My wife and I decided to have a date night last night. However, given our recent financial discussions about college etc., we wanted to make it cheap. I consulted The Chron’s “Bargain Bites” section and came up with a winner. We had dinner at La Corneta in Burlingame, real “Fresh Mex” at the right price. I had a large combo plate and she had prawn tacos. With a beer each, the total came to under $24. Two thumbs up from DJ’s Detritus.

We then took a walk up Burlingame Ave. It seemed slower than usual, not that we spend a lot of time there. We noticed several empty storefronts. I guess even Burlingame can only support so many superfluous boutiques. We also visited the Apple store. The wife checked out the iPods as I systematically went to every demo computer in the store and brought up my blog. Sometimes you have to think outside the box.


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