It Was Mine
Back when I was a kid living in PA, I went to a birthday party with a bunch of my grade school classmates. During the party they gave out balloons with a piece of paper in each one. One of those papers was marked and the holder got a prize. One boy persuaded me to trade with him. I gave it some thought and then went for it. It turns out I had been holding the winning balloon before the trade. I was pissed and raised a stink. I even continued carrying on when I got home. After a day or so my mother was at wit’s end. As a last ditch effort, she organized a conference call with the PA congressional delegation so they could finally convince me to give up.
At 6/04/2008 8:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now this is the level of blogging that I have come to expect from you! Don't drop out! Free your (considerable) ass and Bill's mind will follow! P.
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