DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, June 17, 2019

Opaque Offshore Vehicle

I recently read “A real estate company part-owned by Jared Kushner has received $90m in foreign funding from an opaque offshore vehicle since he entered the White House”. I live in a fantasy world where opaque offshore vehicles ensure that everyone in the world has enough to eat and access to medical care.

I saw a headline asking why so many people are dying on Mt. Everest.  The first thing that came to my mind is because they are f@#king morons.

We had some crazy heat in Foster City last week.  I am a weather wimp on both ends of the spectrum, but I’ll take 30° over 100°.  It was really hot in DC as well, which I think is what killed the Macron/Trump friendship tree.

Trumpy said adios to Sarah Huckabee Sanders last week – a grateful nation salutes you Huck – and also kicked Mulvaney out of his office for coughing during his ABC interview.  Do you think his staff is on pins and needles? That interview should be Exhibit A in the impeachment proceedings.  What the hell are they waiting for?  Mueller handed it to you on a plate.

Bill Maher doesn’t have much interest in visiting second and third world countries.  He won’t go where you can take a chicken on a bus.  He should probably stay out of SF’s Chinatown.  I detailed my experience there on my 6/22/14 post.  You guys like looking through my past work, don’t you?

I watched all of the HBO series Chernobyl.  I recommend it.  Many years ago, before the introduction of the CPAP, my wife used to give me a quick shove if I was snoring.  It was not working one night so she gave me a harder shove and said “Turn over”.  I woke up and responded “Chernobyl??!!”


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