DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Sunday

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Did you see that the Rams were trying to lure Brett Favre out of retirement. There is definitely a quarterback shortage. The Jaguars recently worked out Broadway Joe.

I got an email from my high school telling me they set up an account for me
and to activate it.

"Once you do that, you will be able to login and register yourself to your classes which will also set you up to receive, submit and keep track of homework assignments, and exchange messages with teachers for those classes."

I need to exchange some messages to let them know that my homework is going to be really late.

I saw this headline on Yahoo

"Why boomers are happier than millennials at work"

No kidding. The answer is simple. Because its almost OVER!

Near my office, where you can often take in the effluvium from the nearby Alviso dump, I saw an office sign for Western National Contractors. These guys need to make up their mind. Are they Western or National?

I told brother he needs to read my blog. He agreed but says he needs an occasional mention. Here it is. I saw him last when we were invited for dinner to my sister's house recently. He was not in the best shape since he had just had a hernia operation. But he was a trooper. I think I didn't leave the house for a week after mine. So all the males in the family I grew up in have had that procedure. My dad had his in his early 80's. It was the first time he was ever in the hospital. Several months after that, he was not feeling well for an extended period with a chest cold. I told him he probably just needed some antibiotics and that I'd bring him into the doc. I asked him if he was allergic to any antibiotics. He said "I don't think I've ever taken an antibiotic". Geez, I'm sure I didn't make it out of grade school without them. So that story is more about my old man than my brother. But hey bro, I'm pointing out to everyone that you and I come from hearty stock.

Heinz and McDonald's have ended their relationship. That hits me harder than the Kim/Kanye breakup will.

Tom and Giselle bought a $14 million condo. Meanwhile, I'm cooking in my garage.

Heidi says Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 20, 2013

We're Talking Sports

It looks like Bill Russell is considering an NBA comeback.

I went to high school with a guy named Bill Russell, as well as ones named John Lennon and John Kennedy. And I was whining about an unusual first name?

Another HuffPo article says Schwarzenegger is trying to get the Constitution changed so he can run for President. It is truly difficult to fathom the ego of some people.

I just found out that Fergie's kid was born back in August. I apologize for not being on top of this story. She named him Axl. This is not as bad as Pilot Inspektor, but unfair nonetheless. Here's a pic of the little guy.

In other stories, Beyonce rocks a monokini for her 32nd birthday, Marie Osmond ditches signature look for completely new style, and Miley Cyrus continues to have problems controlling her tongue. I think there was some stuff about the Kardashians too.

What do 1946, 1967 and 2004 have in common with this year? OK sports fans, it's a World Series rematch of the Cardinals vs.the Red Sox.

RIP Bum Phillips

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Police Action

09:08 Suspicious Circumstances 131004021
Occurred on Flying Mist Isle, Fcy. RP rpts finding a cup of soup in her kitchen; unknown how it got there. Possibly left by a neighbor who has access to the residence. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

I'm making my split pea soup today but I ain't giving any away.

23:09 Reckless Driving 23103 VC 131005085
Occurred at Portal Ln/East Court Ln, Fcy. RP reports that a dark vehicle with blue headlights, possibly a Honda, was doing a sideshow and almost hit him. Vehicle L/S heading north on Portal towards Tower Ln. Area check made. . Disposition: Gone On Arrival.

I guess I'm out of it. I had to consult Urban Dictionary for the definition of sideshow.

18:14 Citizen Assist 131009067
Occurred on Comet Dr, Fcy. Rp reported her Macbook pro was lost/stolen while at SFO a year ago and now rp is receiving cloud message that the laptop is at 857 Comet Dr. Rp was unable to locate the serial number at this time and will callback when she locates it.  Disposition: Not Dispatched.

I never get cloud messages.

16:21 Traffic Hazard 131010041
Occurred at Foster City Bl/E Hillsdale Bl, Fcy. Unoccupied disabled vehicle reported southbound Foster City Blvd. in the left turn pocket. UTL driver, R/O. Palm Avenue call for tow. Driver returned with fuel. Tow/case canceled. Roadway clear. . Disposition: Completed.

My wife and I had this argument recently. I have NEVER run out of gas in my life. It just requires a little planning ahead. As a matter of fact, I just got back from filling my tank.

16:48 Lost Property 131010045
Occurred at Sand Harbor on Shell Bl. , Fcy. Rp at the front counter to report lost Indian passport. Lost within past 2-3 years to this September. . Disposition: Report Taken.

I lost a pen in the 8th grade. I'm wondering if I should report it.

17:29 Fire Assist 131010050
Occurred at Windsurfer Park on E 3D Av. , Fcy. Assistance rendered to FCFD for a windsurfer in distress. .
Disposition: Outside Assist / Mutual Aid Given.
18:12 Fire Assist 131010056
Occurred at Windsurfer Park on E 3D Av. , Fcy. Assistance rendered to FCFD for a windsurfer in distress. Disposition: Outside Assist / Mutual Aid Given.

Same dude? Maybe its time to go home.

12:46 Suspicious Person 130927044
Occurred at Citihomes on East Court Ln. , Fcy. Rp at the front counter rpts a male and female at the pool, possibly smoking marijuana as well as being involved in an overly physical relationship. Area checked with negative results. . Disposition: Gone On Arrival.

"Overly physical" is what we call it in polite society.

23:40 Fire Assist 130927099
Occurred on Binnacle Ln, Fcy. Assistance rendered to FCFD for an odor investigation. . Disposition: Completed.

"Yes ma'am, that is definitely an odor"

03:29 Disturbance 415 PC 130928011
Occurred on Bounty Dr, Fcy. RP is a taxi driver and reports that his passenger departed the cab before payment was complete and disappeared into the complex. Passenger contacted at his residence, had misunderstood the payment process, payment was made, situation mediated.

So what was the passenger's version of the payment process?

13:09 Suspicious Vehicle 130928040
Occurred on Pinta Ln, Fcy. Rp reports he came upon an unoccupied parked vehicle with a windshield sun visor displayed Need Help Call Police in the windshield. Checks fine, Vehicle owner simply displaying wrong side of windshield visor. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

Moron alert

10:01 Disturbance 415 PC 130929026
Occurred on Metro Center Bl. , Fcy. Rp rpts a male wearing a Batman t-shirt was yelling and screaming at she an her mother after a parking lot altercation. Area checked UTL. Rp contacted. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.

It was Christian Bale. He mistook them for the lighting crew.

10:23 Traffic Hazard 130929027
Occurred at Orchard Supply Hardware on Metro Center Bl. , Fcy. Rp rpts one of the signal lights is not facing oncoming traffic. Intersection checked fine as does nearby intersections. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

Which way was it facing pal?

16:04 Citizen Assist 130929045
Occurred at Mormon Church on Shell Bl. , Fcy. Citizen at the front counter would like to speak to an Officer regarding a verbal dispute btwn her and a fellow partitioner. Information/advice given. . Disposition: Service Provided.

What were they partitioning? Oh, oh, you mean parishioner. Sorry.

13:10 Citizen Assist 130926051
Officer initiated activity on Foster City Bl, Foster City. Citizen flag down. Directions given. Disposition:Service Provided.
13:13 Citizen Assist 130926052
Officer initiated activity on Foster City Bl, Foster City. Citizen flag down for information/advice. Disposition: Service Provided.

Here's the advice. Do not flag down the cops unless you have an urgent matter.

05:47 Other Code Offense 130924007
Occurred on Vespucci Ln, Fcy. Rp rpts he left his White Iphone 4S in a rental car and using "find my phone" it appears to be on Vespucci. Phone located inside the rental car and booked as found property . Rp advised. Disposition: Report Taken.

Download the chucklehead app

16:48 Citizen Assist 130924051
Occurred on Emerald Bay Ln, Fcy. Resident at the front counter with a list of phone numbers she has been receiving annoying calls from. Advice given. . Disposition: Service Provided.

I love the call blocking feature on my phone. All my readers are on it.

19:31 Traffic Hazard 130924061
Occurred at Jamaica/Port Royal Av, Fcy. Resident reporting vehicles not stopping at sign now and would like a unit to monitor. . Disposition: Completed.

Did it happen to be a STOP sign?

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Schmoe Show?

I was getting my do done Saturday morning, as I always do when I go to see The Fab Faux, and I came across one of Belmont's newest businesses. I'm not sure what they do.

TCG, The Belgian, the numbers and I all headed up to the city around 4:30 with the wives in tow for our early bird dinner special at Yoshi's. You can get better seats for the show if you have dinner there. We had a family style repast of several sushi rolls, Crispy Brussels Sprouts (Lemon, toasted almond and cashews, dry seaweed, cauliflower puree), short ribs and fried chicken. Scrumptious!

I found out during dinner that The Exec and his wife would be joining us for the show, to replace some friends of #1 that could not make it, so we had over half of the village staying out in the city past 10pm. This is a rare feat in our superannuated circle.

We had good seats for the show, about 30' from the stage. The Fab Faux did Rubber Soul in its entirety. I had bought the CD for the trip up and their re-creation of the music was spot on. For an encore they did I Am The Walrus. After that Cesar Rosas and David Hidalgo of Los Lobos joined them on the stage for Twist n' Shout/La Bamba/Hang On Sloopy. That was a boatload of guitarists, two of them lefty, cranking out an a formidable performance.

In other music news, you only have a couple more days to catch Motley Crue's appropriately named show, Evening in Hell, at The Hard Rock in Vegas.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Boogers Etc.

The knuckleheads have shut down the government for the first time since Newtie was Speaker. The Tea Party is a bunch of shameful grifters.

The Brian Wilson and Jeff Beck tour is hitting the Paramount in Oakland on October 22. The show is brought to you by Incongruous Productions Inc. I'd rather see The Fab Faux, which is what I'm doing Saturday night, along with some blog characters.

Dr. Joe is in town so we had dinner at Town Hall. It's located in an historic building on the corner of Fremont and Howard. I pulled it off The Chron's Top 100 list and we were not disappointed. Joe went with the mahi mahi and I had the pork chop, washed down with a bottle of 2011 Turley Zin. Our only peeve was that we had to wait quite a while for the apple puff pastry we split for dessert. We both like our puff pastry delivered promptly. We always have. On our walk back, Dr. Joe received congratulations from a fellow conference attendee for his 2013 HIV Educator of the Year award. We said our goodbyes at 3rd and Howard. I gave him a hug, mainly because The Village has turned me into a hugger.

Yesterday morning the radio informed me that Zuma Nesta Rock feigned wiping boogers on his dad Gavin Rossdale's pants. The source was allegedly TMZ but I could find no corroboration. If I ever tried to wipe boogers on my old man's pants, especially if he was wearing one of his Brooks Brothers suit, he'd likely give me five good reasons not to repeat the gesture. Of course if he had named me Zuma Nesta Rock, I probably would have filled his oxfords with mud and worms instead of shoe trees.

Dinner at TCG's tonight. I'm a social being.

I got a hit from southern Finland Tuesday. Anybody willing to fess up?