DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Happy Sunday

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Did you see that the Rams were trying to lure Brett Favre out of retirement. There is definitely a quarterback shortage. The Jaguars recently worked out Broadway Joe.

I got an email from my high school telling me they set up an account for me
and to activate it.

"Once you do that, you will be able to login and register yourself to your classes which will also set you up to receive, submit and keep track of homework assignments, and exchange messages with teachers for those classes."

I need to exchange some messages to let them know that my homework is going to be really late.

I saw this headline on Yahoo

"Why boomers are happier than millennials at work"

No kidding. The answer is simple. Because its almost OVER!

Near my office, where you can often take in the effluvium from the nearby Alviso dump, I saw an office sign for Western National Contractors. These guys need to make up their mind. Are they Western or National?

I told brother he needs to read my blog. He agreed but says he needs an occasional mention. Here it is. I saw him last when we were invited for dinner to my sister's house recently. He was not in the best shape since he had just had a hernia operation. But he was a trooper. I think I didn't leave the house for a week after mine. So all the males in the family I grew up in have had that procedure. My dad had his in his early 80's. It was the first time he was ever in the hospital. Several months after that, he was not feeling well for an extended period with a chest cold. I told him he probably just needed some antibiotics and that I'd bring him into the doc. I asked him if he was allergic to any antibiotics. He said "I don't think I've ever taken an antibiotic". Geez, I'm sure I didn't make it out of grade school without them. So that story is more about my old man than my brother. But hey bro, I'm pointing out to everyone that you and I come from hearty stock.

Heinz and McDonald's have ended their relationship. That hits me harder than the Kim/Kanye breakup will.

Tom and Giselle bought a $14 million condo. Meanwhile, I'm cooking in my garage.

Heidi says Happy Halloween


  • At 11/02/2013 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I got the same email from JSB. I wrote back and told them that I didn't do my homework forty years ago, and I'm not about to start doing it now.

    Your brother was a good looking guy, back in the day. He probably still looks good - with or without a hernia.


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