Glad Påsk
That’s Swedish for Happy Easter. I received an Easter greeting via FB from au pair #2 this morning, the first of four wonderful Swedish women that took loving care of our kids many moons ago.
The Foster City social calendar is getting out of hand. Today will be four straight engagements. I mean, I like people for the most part, but come on! Doesn’t anybody realize I need large quantities of DJ time?
Thursday night we went up to Chapeau!, which has been featured many a time in this blog. On the way up, I read a passage from my 1/22/10 post detailing the heroics of #1 during one of our prior visits. I also realized that every time I reference the owner Phillipe, I call him “effusive”. I promise to consult with Roget next time.
Friday was #1’s 65th birthday, so we went to his house and had a bunch of tasty, homemade Mexican food that his wife assembled. Sure. Barbie does not cook, so #1 put this feast together. My wife made a delectable olive oil cake to celebrate.
Last night was the driveway cocktail team at our house. I helped my wife with a lasagna, which fortunately will provide two additional meals for us. At one point our neighbor was telling my wife to get back into the pool. She explained that she was not able to swim for several months due to her elbow. The neighbor said she should still get in the water. I suggested she stand in the guest bathroom tub an hour or two a day.
Today we go back to #1’s house for an early Easter supper of enchiladas and leftovers from Friday. This will be a laid-back affair, as my wife said there should only be about 5 of us. It looks like TCG and Katie will not be joining us. Perhaps they are prepping for Greek Easter. If you ever read my damn blog, you’d know I call that Greaster.
My bracket is busted. I’m in 18th place. My pick of Marquette taking it all was not my wisest choice. I expect to pick up some points with a Purdue win this afternoon, but that might get me into 17th place. It is my fervent hope that Duke gets pasted today.
I’m getting together with the Phoenix Flyboy next week. We have not seen one another for many years. I’m not sure how many, but I’m sure he’ll be able to tell me, as he cherishes every moment he’s ever spent with me.
You guys ever heard of Bhad Bhabie? Wikipedia describes her as an “American rapper and Internet personality”. She first came to prominence thanks to the self-effacing Dr. Phil. I’ve included the article below in case you’d like to begin your research. On a side note, I thought that Bhad Bhabie and Bad Bunny would have made a nice couple.
I heard through the grapevine that my pal The Exec has bought himself a new RV. I could easily see him going Mad Max in the future. I thought this might be a good look for his new home away from home.
Lastly, word on the street is this guy got a better offer in Binghamton.