DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I usually steal ideas from my blog for my paid writing gig but it's the other way around this time.

Did you see the Jon Huntsman news? I sort of like the guy because he bought into all that climate change and evolution craziness. But now he's gone off the deep end and said he'd be up for a Bachman/Huntsman ticket. He apparently tried to backtrack but the damage is done. Go back to Utah pal.

Kim Kardashian got millions of dollars worth of stuff, like flowers and champagne, comped for her wedding and People magazine is paying her $1.5 million for the pics. In a related note, I'm puking into my hat.

Maybe some of you have noticed that I'm growing my hair out. I want to get a do like Newt Gingrich's wife.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


I realize I gotta slap something up here but don't expect much. I just poured my heart and soul into my latest paid writing gig 500 word snoozefest. Plus I have to start a real job tomorrow. This geezer will have to prove himself yet again, hopefully for the last time.

I was sad to see T-Paw move on. His charisma was setting me on fire. A fellow Minnesotan, the batshit crazy Michelle Bachmann, has won the Iowa straw poll. This is as frightening as Rick Perry entering the race. The last thing this country needs is another swaggering, not particularly bright Texan.

Here's a shout out to The UK for having us up to his Kirkwood place last weekend. I took some notes but lost them so I cannot provide too many details. We had some good food and wine and spent some time on the deck. I do recall we got into a discussion about the use of hair product. 4M was vehemently opposed but the rest of us are metrosexuals and we realize that the discrete use of product is appropriate.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Food Etc.

I caught some happy news recently. Cheesecake Factory is coming to my local mall. I can't wait! This coincides nicely with the introduction of their SkinnyLicious Menu.

Ferran Adria's El Bulli has closed. I would have liked to try it but trans-continental flights for a meal are generally outside of my budget. The last meal was 50 courses. Really??!!. I'm a bit of a foodie, but c'mon. That's a lot of plate washing.

I had a good meal at #1's place this weekend. He whipped up some achiote chicken and a Mexican pork dish I can't recall the name of. The featured dish was his salad of grilled pineapple and shrimp with a hint of vanilla bean, which was served, of course, on a bed of baby field greens. The Unc and his wife also joined us. I generally don't like to have my non-Foster City friends join the FCMC folks because it has the potential to be a combustible mix. However, on this evening, everyone got along. The Uncs were there to share their pictures and tales of their recent Turkey trip. The #1s head there next year.

My wife was so taken with the meal that she went down to El Pueblo in EPA to get some of the achiote chicken for one of the family meals. I grilled it up last night to serve with the rice and beans she got there.. I whipped up my patented guacamole and a few killer margaritas. Then SB2 and I caught a few episodes of Special Agent Oso on the big screen in my bedroom. We're having the family room floor done so he's been banished to other TV venues.