DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Thursday, July 23, 2009


This is going to be tough. I have 140 characters to get my message across. Damn! Well, I'll start by... Wait, never mind. That's Twitter. Letterman had an interesting exchange on that topic with Kevin Spacey Tuesday night. He called it a “waste of time”. Gosh, sounds like my April 28 post. Put that in your iPhone and tweet it, Exec.

In village news, the peripatetic #1 is in Michigan this week. I should have hooked him up with The Wolverine to get a few ideas on '70s era hot spots in the Ann Arbor area. They are likely not extant but that would have sent him on a wild goose chase, possibly cutting back on his communiques. #1 is a member of the “stream of gibberish” literary movement, as evidenced by his recent Facebook droppings.

I was watching CNBC at the gym yesterday. They were interviewing an analyst in Portland about Microsoft. They had to interrupt the interview to report that Warren Buffet had decreased his position in Moodys from 48M to 40M shares. That's what I call breaking news. After some yammering, they went back to the interview. When it was complete, the commentator stated that they report on anything Warren Buffet does. That got me thinking about tomorrow's report.

“After what seemed like an eternity, at least to him, Warren Buffet finally moved his bowels at 10:32am Omaha time”

I'm heading up to The UK's Kirkwood “cabin” in The UK's fly Audi tomorrow afternoon. He's letting TK and 4M tag along as well. Who the hell needs TCG, at least until September.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Kenyan President

The birthers have escaped the loony bin en masse. The liberal media is trying to tamp down the insanity with facts but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. Liz Cheney was on Larry King and went on a rant about Obama not defending our country overseas instead of debunking the myth. We gotta help Obama with suggestions on how to defend us. Should he start an unjustifiable war? Nope, already been done. How about enhanced interrogation? Ditto. Here's my idea. Get a huge American flag and lay it out flat. Have the birthers lay down side by side in it. Then spool it all up to create the world's biggest nut roll. But perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh on them. After all, it is their birthright as Americans to make up hooey about our president. Or should I say birthwrong?

Friday, July 17, 2009

I’m Cranky

I’ve been a little cranky lately, which I imagine comes as a great surprise to my vast readership. This happens from time to time, although outwardly I’m the usual congenial DJ.

I haven’t posted for a couple weeks, which is generally my longest standard sabbatical, so I decided I better get cranking. I still have a talent for the lame play on words.

There’s been some interesting activity since my last brief post about our July 4 celebration. I had stated then that The Exec was invited up to TCG’s Tahoe lair. I now need to publish a correction. The Exec had invited himself. This seems to be a pattern. As mentioned in my May 16 post, he insinuated himself upon my birthday celebration.

This Tuesday we had a Bastille Day celebration with a few of the more Eurocentric members of our village at one of the Peninsula’s finest hotels. One of our friends, whom I’ll now dub The Hotelier, is the GM there and had invited #1, TCG and myself, along with spouses, for a sumptuous appetizer array avec blanc e rosé champagne. Predictably, the cheeky Exec caught wind of this and crashed our soiree.

I spent most of last week in Portland. This is the third year in a row I’ve gone for the End of the Trail basketball tournament with my daughter. In the security line at SFO, it was pointed out to me that my license had expired, but they let me through. At that point, the wheels started turning. Would I have any difficulty picking up my rental car? As it turned out, yes, a great deal. I was seriously pissed at myself. Maybe that’s where my crankiness came from. Anyhoo, I was very lucky that my wife had tracked down my renewed license and even luckier that my bud The Banker was on his way up the next day. So I got through that experience relatively unscathed. The tournament went well for our team, with a 3-2 overall record. I did not get to spend as much time with The Banker and Maverick as in previous years. Their daughters were playing for a different team, and faced some tough competition, including the OR State champs.

During my off hours I played chauffeur to my daughter and a few of her pals. I ate at Red Robin about four times. They make a decent Cobb salad, which met my strict dietary requirements. One day we got a tour of Lewis and Clark College from the women’s basketball coach. If the kid manages to get some sort of scholarship, you’ll cease to hear me whine about all the dough I’m putting out for these tournaments, including her sojourn to San Diego with my wife this weekend. But that’s OK. It’s just me and the boys. We’re going to trash the house tonight.

There’s a lot popping in politics these days. Senator Tom Coburn, when not defending that weenie Ensign, was channeling Ricky Ricardo at the Sotomayor hearings. A lot of Republicans had the chance to flog the “wise Latina” phrase to death. I gotta watch what I say in this space if I ever hope to become the U.S. blogger laureate. It looks like Mark Sanford took another trip. He’s trying to put his marriage back together. For the sake of his four boys, I hope he succeeds. But he’s probably going to have to bail on the governorship. He just got nailed for spending big buck on his trips, which is at odds with his campaign frugality promises. Oh shit, who ever really believes anything these guys say.

OK, its cocktail hour. It’s time to warm up the DVR and spend some quality time with Olbermann and Letterman. Have a great weekend.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Bull Goose Loony

The main topic at our Independence Day celebration at #1’s house yesterday, besides for the fact that neither of us was invited up to TCG’s Tahoe joint like The Exec was, was the Alaska governor’s sudden and puzzling resignation. I first got word of this from one of #1’s tweets, which is one of my premier news sources.

The possible reasons from the pundits run the gamut from her getting out of politics entirely to readying for a presidential run. I thought I’d prefer the former but the potential for humor in the latter makes it palatable as well. There’s plenty to read. Here’s one of my favorites.