DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Our Kenyan President

The birthers have escaped the loony bin en masse. The liberal media is trying to tamp down the insanity with facts but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. Liz Cheney was on Larry King and went on a rant about Obama not defending our country overseas instead of debunking the myth. We gotta help Obama with suggestions on how to defend us. Should he start an unjustifiable war? Nope, already been done. How about enhanced interrogation? Ditto. Here's my idea. Get a huge American flag and lay it out flat. Have the birthers lay down side by side in it. Then spool it all up to create the world's biggest nut roll. But perhaps I shouldn't be so harsh on them. After all, it is their birthright as Americans to make up hooey about our president. Or should I say birthwrong?


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