We, The Incompetent
The wife and I had a fun trip to SF this past weekend. We decided to stay at the Hilton on Kearney, a few blocks from Bix, our dining destination for the evening. We took Caltrain in from Millbrae, where the Clipper card comedy of errors began.
She needed to add value to her card, but the machine did not want to cooperate with our credit card. Fortunately, I had a crisp Jackson in my wallet, so we thought we were on our way. When I tried to scan my senior Clipper card at the platform, it was a no-go, even though it said I had $40. Somehow, I created a new Clipper card, and it worked, but it didn’t carry my geezer discount. After we got to the hotel, I made every joke imaginable, like we need to scan the Clipper card to get into the hotel room, to get the “walk” light on the street corner etc. I will wring every last drop of humor out of a situation and then some.
We met up Friday night with four of the wife’s relatives at Bix. We had a discussion on what exactly the relation was, one being a second cousin, but another further removed. Regardless, they are all considered family, and we had a fantastic meal, including multiple appetizers and some Italian and Californian wines. I got the chicken hash, which was pretty good, but I should have been a little more adventurous. After dinner we headed over to the Comstock Saloon on Broadway. Sazeracs were the favored drink at this seating, but DJ, the paragon of restraint, stuck with water.
Before heading back to suburbia on Saturday, we got an early lunch at House of Nanking. They were just setting up, so we grabbed an outside table on this sunny and warm late morning. The fare did not disappoint but the dumplings could have been warmer. That’s what happens when you show up too early and get in their way when they’re prepping. I told our waitress that I used to come there about 30 years ago when I worked in the city. She giggled when I added that I was old.
We decided to Uber back to the train station. I didn’t want to climb the hill to the Muni station and was also a little wary of Clipper issues. Guess what? When I tried to scan my new card at the train station, it squawked. I finally got my senior card to work, when it hadn’t the day before. But by that time, we missed the train and had to wait another half hour. Back in Millbrae, the wife’s car wouldn’t start. I opened the hood, waved the Clipper card around, and that fixed it.
I had failed to mention in recent posts that we had another SF trip recently. We went to MOMA to see the Amy Sherald exhibit and her portrait of Michelle Obama. I mention this because we went to lunch at Fang afterwards, which is the newer, higher-end entry from the owner of House of Nanking. We highly recommend it.
The Eagles have refused a White House invite. I loved them when they stepped on KC’s neck, and I love them even more now. My only problem is the email I received from Elon Musk telling me I had to justify my blog.
This dress is from last night’s SAG awards. The wife is getting one for her birthday. I want the suit below. Keep your hands off me lucky charms.