DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, February 10, 2025

Eagles Win Nailbiter

That was my kind of ballgame yesterday, with the Iggles absolutely crushing any hopes the Chiefs may have had for a threepeat. It was such a snooze, albeit a delightful one, that we switched to “Season 11: The Weird Year”, the last SNL documentary episode, in the 4th quarter. It looks like MAGA did not enjoy the halftime show.  It did not exactly float my boat, but if it pissed off Trump’s followers, I’ll take it.

I wrapped up my tax return yesterday and e-filed via Turbo Tax. Elon is reviewing it as I write this. I’m happy Trump established a WH Faith Office. I just sent them an e-mail that I have faith I’ll be seeing the IRS refund I’m supposed to get.

I got nothing else going on, so I thought I’d share this pic of lonely recycling bins on Gull that were supposed to be picked up Friday. They finally showed up today. I got on my high horse and left a voice mail for Recology, as I imagine my neighbors did. I hate it when my recycling schedule gets thrown into a state of flux.


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