This Week in Toned Abs
It is a little-known fact that the Toned Abs sub-division of Yahoo News was the brainchild of The Exec during his time there. His fingerprints are on the abs of many a celebrity. I won’t comment on the ongoing litigation.
The Wig threw me a curveball the other day, mentioning I should use my celeb skills on the Gurzanski / Clooback dust up. I was dumbfounded, as I had never heard of this pair. Stephen Clooback, 59, is a Vegas time share billionaire and Stefanie Gurzanski, 26, takes her clothes off professionally, so they are both solid citizens, but it seems their brief love affair has gone off the rails. Clooback has been harassing her since she took him and his credit card for a ride. I’m offering thoughts and prayers.
Per the article below, one of the Oath Keepers, who also happens be a heavy metal guitarist, is ratting out some of his compadres. But what I found particularly interesting is that his lawyer referred to him as a “internationally known musician and recording artist”. I had to do my research but discovered that this was the case, because several regulars in a dive bar in Windsor, Canada remember seeing him play there.
Per my last post, I’ve been knocking it out of the park with my workout routine. There’s one guy at the posh club that has been giving me some material. He’s the same cat I referenced in my 12/22/20 post. He uses a snorkel and tends to grunt a lot. He was particularly active one day last week, so I said to the lifeguard “I’m going to get out now, so I don’t get eaten by a sea monster”. That got a chuckle. He was there again today, and I thought I heard a “Woo ha” reminiscent of Pacino in Scent of a Woman.
HuffPo is telling me that lingerie can be a form of self-care, but I consider my Calvin Klein boxer briefs to be nothing but utilitarian. However, my version of self-care is taking a ball in a sock and using it to loosen up the kinks in my back. I have to contort myself against the wall in various positions, but it’s worth it. The ball is just the right texture. I used to do it with a golf ball, but that caused the wallboard to implode, which we addressed during the re-model.
I'll close with CONGRATS to my high school buddy TK, aka Gampy, who welcomed his second grandchild this week.