That is pretty much what all the pundits had to say about last night’s debate performance of the reprehensible POTUS. My wife was able to watch all or most of it, but like Charles Pierce, I had to walk away after a while. I found Family Guy re-runs much more to my liking.
And the SOB has not paid his share of taxes for God knows how long. He deducted $70k for that hair helmet of his. A NYT editorial called out the wildly unfair tax system we live under. The Republicans have starved the IRS. We need to massively up their budget so they can go on a hiring spree and pursue the 1% to get them to pay up. The way it works now, the IRS does not have the manpower to deal with the CPAs and attorneys of the plutocracy, so chumps like you and me must carry the freight.
Another recent revelation was that Trump floated Ivanka as his running mate back in 2016. Imagine that! On Twitter today, somebody put up a pic of her with her sister, sister-in-law and current mother-in-law. They all wore their designer masks. The caption said, “name this pic” and one response was "Visiting Day at The Allenwood Federal Correctional Facility, 2022".
Well folks, we are down to a little more than a month. Let’s do like Kyle says and vote.
Did you hear about this poor guy in France that lost his kindergarten teaching job simply because he looks like he belongs in an early 20th century sideshow? They decided he can only teach those that are six years or older. I am sure that is a great comfort to the parents of 2nd and 3rd graders. He mentioned that he “loves his job”. He must not have been giving that a great deal of thought when he destroyed his visage.
We had some company this weekend. We did the same meal that #1 did during our recent Tahoe visit. My wife oversaw the beans and she did them a little differently from #1s, which were fully cooked. My wife’s beans were – how do I say this? – al dente. We will be adding this recipe to the same pantheon where my sushi chicken and crunchy paella reside. As you know, we love to entertain, so I suggested to my wife that we feature the beans with her blackened enchiladas I referenced on my 1/20/20 post. She was not open to the idea.