DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Officially Pronounced Dead

The Wig called me up Thursday night to inform me that my blog was dead. I always appreciate his input. But he was incorrect. It could simply be moribund, as I mentioned on my 6/1/12 post. Remember "Paul is dead"? That wasn't true either.

Last weekend the wife and I went up to the city to spend the night for our 25th anniversary and our birthdays. We woke up Sunday morning at The Intercontinental and it was Mother's Days, so I also got partial credit for that. I pried open my wallet and ordered room service for breakfast. It didn't hurt as much as I thought. It was only about 2-3 times the price we would have paid on the street.

Just to clarify, our anniversary is March 26 so we were a little late on this one. That is because my wife decided to fly to DC the actual week of our anniversary. I am documenting that here so I can use it as ammo later. It happened to be her spring break and she took the chance to go see SB1. I have not held it against her yet.

So last Saturday we drove up to the Civic Center area and parked at one of the newfangled parking meters on Hayes St. that takes credit cards. That only ran us $21.50. We tried to get into Absinthe for lunch but the wait was too long so we went across the street, where the rest of the geriatrics that attend matinees were dining, The food was not bad and we made the 2pm ballet with time to spare.

The ballet has been on my bucket list for a while so I can cross that one off now. We were up in the nosebleed section. #1 had loaned us several pair of his binoculars so we took the ones that fit in my wife's purse, but we could have used the big ones. Some parts of Cinderella were more interesting than others, such as how they portrayed her on the carriage going to the ball. But I won't go into any more detail because I'm sure you all will be catching it. Other parts were not as exciting, such as when only one or two dancers were on stage. Those portions brought to mind that House Of Pain song "Jump Around".

Next up is the opera in November. I plan to buy tickets to The Barber Of Seville, as we might recognize a couple tunes. I plan to splurge for good seats for that. It's not like I'm going to go twice.