DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, March 08, 2025

With Love, DJ

The Duchess of Sussex has a new Netflix show out and I am fully on board.  I see a lot of parallels with my blog. The show’s reviews of “so awful it is almost compelling” and an “exercise in narcissism” could readily apply here.

I had a recent email exchange with my pal The Phoenix Flyboy.  He is one of the ten graced with being on the blog’s email list. He said he has made multiple efforts to report it as spam, but it just keeps showing up in his inbox. He’s just pissed because he doesn’t get enough mentions.

My sage elder brother reaches a big milestone on Monday. I’ll be calling to wish him a happy 70th birthday. We make a point of calling each other on our birthdays, carrying on the fine tradition of our father and uncle. If I forget to call, at least I have this post to let him know I was thinking about him at some point.

I’m not sure if I blog too much.  I got a reminder last night from #1 that he’d not seen any recent production when he was over for dinner.  Then I got an email plaint from JB this morning. I think the people on the email list think I blog too much, and most of the rest couldn't care less.  Then there’s outliers like #1 and JB.

I got a text yesterday from The Running Beast, brother of Wig.  Sadly, he has dropped FB, formerly our main communication vehicle. But he still makes an effort to keep me informed about important matters. He let me know JLo was pissed about all the pics of Ben and the other Jen. I feel for her.

JLo is a fashion icon, so she’d look great in this number.  I have 4M to thank for alerting me to this new creation. I think my wife would look good in it as well, but I’m pretty sure I couldn’t handle the cost.  On the up side, we’re getting all the ducting in the house replaced, so I could try to produce a knock off using the old ducting. Couture is my love language.

I just got back from my rigorous .7 mile hiking pole-assisted walk around FC neighborhood 2.  The local kids call me Mr. Sticks. I’ll be bumping it up to .8 on Monday.  I often listen to Pandora with the new ear buds my wife bought me, but today I was alone with my thoughts, a frightening miasma.

Remind me. Are tariffs on or off this week? Are we still in NATO? When the leader of the free world is both an apex predator and a clueless son of a bitch, it tends to give a person news whiplash. I should probably stick to only. Also, all future posts will be in English as that is now our official language.

Selection Sunday is a week from tomorrow, so I’ll be sending the Yahoo Tourney invite to the usual suspects. One of the Cinderella candidates from a recent Athletic article is UCSD.  Go Tritons!!


Monday, February 24, 2025

We, The Incompetent

The wife and I had a fun trip to SF this past weekend.  We decided to stay at the Hilton on Kearney, a few blocks from Bix, our dining destination for the evening. We took Caltrain in from Millbrae, where the Clipper card comedy of errors began.

She needed to add value to her card, but the machine did not want to cooperate with our credit card.  Fortunately, I had a crisp Jackson in my wallet, so we thought we were on our way. When I tried to scan my senior Clipper card at the platform, it was a no-go, even though it said I had $40. Somehow, I created a new Clipper card, and it worked, but it didn’t carry my geezer discount. After we got to the hotel, I made every joke imaginable, like we need to scan the Clipper card to get into the hotel room, to get the “walk” light on the street corner etc. I will wring every last drop of humor out of a situation and then some.

We met up Friday night with four of the wife’s relatives at Bix. We had a discussion on what exactly the relation was, one being a second cousin, but another further removed. Regardless, they are all considered family, and we had a fantastic meal, including multiple appetizers and some Italian and Californian wines. I got the chicken hash, which was pretty good, but I should have been a little more adventurous. After dinner we headed over to the Comstock Saloon on Broadway.  Sazeracs were the favored drink at this seating, but DJ, the paragon of restraint, stuck with water.

Before heading back to suburbia on Saturday, we got an early lunch at House of Nanking.  They were just setting up, so we grabbed an outside table on this sunny and warm late morning. The fare did not disappoint but the dumplings could have been warmer.  That’s what happens when you show up too early and get in their way when they’re prepping.  I told our waitress that I used to come there about 30 years ago when I worked in the city.  She giggled when I added that I was old.

We decided to Uber back to the train station.  I didn’t want to climb the hill to the Muni station and was also a little wary of Clipper issues. Guess what? When I tried to scan my new card at the train station, it squawked. I finally got my senior card to work, when it hadn’t the day before.  But by that time, we missed the train and had to wait another half hour. Back in Millbrae, the wife’s car wouldn’t start. I opened the hood, waved the Clipper card around, and that fixed it.

I had failed to mention in recent posts that we had another SF trip recently.  We went to MOMA to see the Amy Sherald exhibit and her portrait of Michelle Obama. I mention this because we went to lunch at Fang afterwards, which is the newer, higher-end entry from the owner of House of Nanking. We highly recommend it.

The Eagles have refused a White House invite. I loved them when they stepped on KC’s neck, and I love them even more now. My only problem is the email I received from Elon Musk telling me I had to justify my blog.

This dress is from last night’s SAG awards.  The wife is getting one for her birthday. I want the suit below. Keep your hands off me lucky charms.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Internationally Famous

I got this blog hit recently.  Either the Hotelier told his cousin to throw me a bone or the UK is messing with me.

I saw the Hotelier recently along with his wife, whom I’ve decided to dub with the bar/blog name of Janet.  We all were invited over to #1’s house for my favorite Hallmark holiday.  I was hoping they’d be serving Mountain Mike’s heart-shaped pizza.  I love lousy pizza.  But #1 headed south with enchiladas suizas and a shrimp and grilled pineapple salad.  We rarely saw pineapple when I was a kid, and we certainly never went near the BBQ with it. I guess that is because we didn’t have a BBQ. Did I ever tell you about shoveling sidewalks or mowing the lawn with a push mower? Of course I have. OK, so in addition to Valentine’s Day, we were celebrating Janet’s retirement.  She told her boss that day that she was packing it in, right after she checked her bank account to make sure her annual bonus check had hit.

There is certainly a lot to watch on the teevee.  We’ve finished a couple SNL documentaries and the 50th anniversary special.  White Lotus season 3 debuted Sunday so we will certainly get to that. What you don’t want to get to is Apple’s The Gorge. It starts out as your standard Cold War era drama until some 1940s B horror flick monsters come out of the gorge and scale the walls.  Unfortunately, they were susceptible to high powered rifles, which allowed the story to continue. At that point we decided to go to a 30-year-old Homicide episode.  That show still holds up.

Elon remains in the news.  A lot has been made of his Oval Office show during which his kid picked his nose.  They said Trump sat there like a groveler, but he probably had crapped his diaper and couldn’t move. Elon went on a spiel about “unelected bureaucrats” running the show, without even the slightest sense of irony. And we recently learned Elon’s “lucky” 13th kid was born to a 26-year-old MAGA influencer a few months ago. She said, "I have not previously disclosed this to protect our child's privacy and safety, but in recent days it has become clear that tabloid media intends to do so, regardless of the harm it will cause." This is likely a crock of shit and she’s just pissed that Elon did not swing by with a Mountain Mike’s heart-shaped pizza.

My brother just checked in with me to see how I was doing.  He clarified that he meant physically, as not much could be for me mentally.  This type of cruel humor has been used on me since the early 1960s and is one of the reasons we rarely speak.  I told him I’d get back to him via email.  Since he’s on the blog email list, I’ll let this be my response. 

Before closing, I’d like to alert you to the fact that Meghan Markle has re-branded the rubbish she is selling from American Riviera Orchard to As Ever. She had some trademark issues with the first and now they are popping up with the second.  I get the feeling she is not wicked smart.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Eagles Win Nailbiter

That was my kind of ballgame yesterday, with the Iggles absolutely crushing any hopes the Chiefs may have had for a threepeat. It was such a snooze, albeit a delightful one, that we switched to “Season 11: The Weird Year”, the last SNL documentary episode, in the 4th quarter. It looks like MAGA did not enjoy the halftime show.  It did not exactly float my boat, but if it pissed off Trump’s followers, I’ll take it.

I wrapped up my tax return yesterday and e-filed via Turbo Tax. Elon is reviewing it as I write this. I’m happy Trump established a WH Faith Office. I just sent them an e-mail that I have faith I’ll be seeing the IRS refund I’m supposed to get.

I got nothing else going on, so I thought I’d share this pic of lonely recycling bins on Gull that were supposed to be picked up Friday. They finally showed up today. I got on my high horse and left a voice mail for Recology, as I imagine my neighbors did. I hate it when my recycling schedule gets thrown into a state of flux.

Thursday, February 06, 2025

I Have Concerns

El Loco Naranjo has been up to his usual tricks, sowing chaos every time he opens his mouth. His Gaza plan is completely insane, and if you can get past the paywall, you’ll see that Mr. Pierce completely agrees with me. But Bibi seems to be on board. Today, in an early morning Truth Social screed, Trump said Palestinians would be moved to “new and modern homes”.  He somehow thinks the Arab states will pay for it, but that’s news to them. When he’s not advocating ethnic cleansing, he’s calling for 60 Minutes to be terminated or scamming Dept. of Education employees out of their buyout packages. Today was the wrong day to read the news.

It is a cold and rainy day here in FC so my wife came up with a plan to head to beautiful downtown San Mateo for a bowl of ramen, and I am completely on board.  I’ll have to do my arduous 1/3 mile walk and stretch routine this afternoon, as long as it does not get in the way of presenting a gourmet meal this evening.

I would have had this post up a little earlier, but I got a call from my old high school pal TK. He was checking in to see how far into geezerdom I had descended, but I had good news for him. I regaled him with the tale of how I walked, swam, stretched AND did my strengthening exercises yesterday. I decided to post now since I can’t out of this chair. Oh, I kid. TK has recently transformed himself into a 200-pound beast, working closely with his trainer. I think the last time I saw 200 was the late 90’s. 


Monday, February 03, 2025

Cosplay Kristi

I’m hearing the steady beat of ICE ICE Barbie and Vanilla Ice is probably rolling over in his grave.  Hold on, he’s not dead yet, so we’ll try to get his take later.  Kristi likes to wear a lot of hats, whether it is official ICE gear or her favorite Stetson to go on the talk shows. And Nancy Mace, the Hill’s laser-guided attention-seeking missile, is getting in on the act. Only the finest people.

I missed the Grammys last night because I had dinner at #1’s house. If not, I would have missed them for another reason.  I can’t take the lovefest aspect nor the spectacle of weirdness.  Kanye showed up for a short while with his hypnotized wife. She and his ex-girlfriend were in a duel to see who could wear the least, with the wife winning that one.  And it looks like Will Smith has handed head of household duties over to his son Jaden.

I’ve pretty much completed my 2024 taxes and was looking forward to a decent refund, but now that the asshole Elon’s team has access to the federal payment system, I’m just hoping my next Social Security check hits the bank on time. I see Ontario is ending their Starlink contract and a lot of provinces are pulling U.S. booze from their shelves. Live by the sword, die by the sword. At least the Mexico tariffs have been delayed. Let’s hope they keep pushing them out. Only 3 years, 11 months and two weeks more of this nonsense.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

No Lunch for You

My wife is going out to a fancy lunch in Burlingame with her pals today.  I asked her several times if I could join them, but was met each time with a resounding NO. My thought was that some solid girl talk would distract me from the Idiot King and his soulless minions attempting to wreak havoc on our gubmint, but it was not to be.

I talked to SB1 on inauguration day. He was a freshman at GWU during Obama’s first, and he braved the chilly weather to be there. But now he’s a DC homeowner and he stayed as far away from the sad spectacle as possible.  The only thing that held any possible appeal was catching Billy Ray Cyrus’ set. SB1 and I commiserated on the phone for a while before I went back to my fetal position.

Since I have no plans for lunch beyond the usual boring salad, I felt a post was in order. I got a flyer yesterday from this place, so I thought it’d be a good place for a lunch of the non-boring variety. I used to hit the Korean restaurants on Geary in SF back in the day. I’m not sure if this San Mateo joint will have the table-top grills, but I’m awaiting to the grand opening.

Move over sharks.  I’m looking forward to Swordfish Week on the teevee.

You hate to see it, but the Black-Eyed Peas canceled their Vegas residency.  The circumstances were that nobody wants to listen to their shit.  If they can coax Fergie back into fold, they might be able to sell an extra seven or eight tickets per show.

Much to my surprise, I’m currently in the last money spot if my playoff pool.  Everybody took a big hit when Detroit went down. The Wolv and I tried to support each other during this difficult time. I’m going whole hog for the Bills now. I was born in Philly but if it ends up being Buffalo vs. Philly in Super Bowl LIX, I’m still going with Buffalo. I have those two teams taking it this weekend.