Who Are You Wearing?
had some quality family time this past weekend in San Diego. We flew
in Thursday night and met up with SB1. The girl didn't know he was
coming so we surprised her when she picked us up at SAN. Saturday
night was Senior Night for The Tritons so the three of us plus my
mother-in-law walked her out to center court. I was concerned I was
going to have to do a lot of hugging, but I was spared. We got some
great pictures of the family, like a cute mom and daughter shot and
one of me and SB1. He had a kick ass look on his face as we were
holding the flowers.
sure do play a lot of that rap music before the ballgames. SB1 said
we could collaborate on some, with him doing the beats and me doing
the lyrics. I could rail against the corporate life. The boy also
told me he liked Kanye and Jay Z. If he was kidding, well, he got
me. If not, he's no son of mine.
went out for a nice Italian dinner Saturday night, If I recall
correctly, the owner was trying to unload about a pound of buffalo
mozzarella on me as an appetizer. Cooler heads prevailed and we had
some good salumi. Everyone enjoyed their meals and we had a few
bottles of Super Tuscan. I was pretty beat by the time we got home
so I wanted to go straight to bed. My 85 year old mother-in-law
busted my chops good for that the next morning.
the girl and her twin bro hit 22. Double deuce redux.
you watch the Oscars? I didn't but there seemed to be a lot of
controversy. Travolta screwed up his chance to atone for the Adele
Dazeem episode. Sean Penn stuck his foot in his mouth, Shonda Rimes
was not happy with Gaga, and some didn't like Arquette's message. I
could have done without NPH in his undies. Joan Rivers got left out
of the In Memoriam segment, but she was a comic, not an actress, so I
don't get the contretemps.
the bright side, the selfless Lady Gaga gave the pot washer at one
of the after parties the night off.
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