not often the topic of my blog, I've made sincere mention of my great
luck in this life in having many good friends. I got some sad news
today from The Wig, one of my oldest and dearest. His mom passed
away yesterday at the age of 92.
first met her 35 years ago at the restaurant in Queens where she had
worked for many years. She treated me like one of her own from the
beginning. Over the years she took a keen interest in my family and
I kept her apprised of their activities via our Christmas letter and
during some of our East Coast visits with The Wigs.
was a much needed familiar face during some of the darkest days of my
life. She visited my hospital room in NYC as I began recovery from my
1999 spinal cord surgery. She also provided my wife great comfort
during that time.
for the last few years of her life, she was fiercely independent.
Although she sometimes displayed a veneer of toughness like many a
New York City native, there was a well of kindness right beneath it.
She did not have the opportunity for a college education that these
days most of us take for granted. But she was smart. She knew the
value of hard work and thrift. And she made damn sure that none of
her kids missed opportunities, educational or otherwise. She's left
a legacy of four successful and well-adjusted children, who took
great care of her in her last days.
I'll lift a glass to her. May she rest in peace.
At 11/18/2014 10:42 AM,
James said…
Thanks for your kind remembrances
At 12/02/2014 11:02 PM,
Unknown said…
Very nice. Warm thoughts to all.
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