DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Hello June

I have had my morning swim and am now ready to blog. The trick is to get there about an hour or so after it opens to avoid the diehards that are ready to do laps at 7am. I had a nice soak and steam afterward.

The wife went down to Oxnard this weekend so I've been left to my own devices. I'm a little surprised she didn't plan for it Father's Day. I tell ya, I don't get no respect.

Early yesterday I saw my trainer, as usual. He's a fascial stretch therapist. I briefly had a fascist stretch therapist but we didn't see eye to eye. So I told my trainer today that we had to start working on my biceps. I really need to reduce them.

Dr. Joe was in town Saturday for a symposium, so we had a chance to visit. The timing worked out because my symposium wrapped early. We got a half Philly half Boston pie from Amici's and cracked a Zin. This was the first time he had seen our new kitchen and was duly impressed. The first thing he said was something along the lines of "this has gotta be better than #1's kitchen". We spent the evening reminiscing about the Binghamton days and then I dropped him at SFO for his red eye.

I have a busy day ahead. I plan to avoid the Foster City Arts, Wine and Carney Fest but have a few errands to run. I expect to be inconvenienced by street closures. I'm picking up SB2 this afternoon to toss him around the natatorium. We'll then come home for a snack and few episodes of Imagination Movers. SB2 will watch too. Afterwards I'll make a gourmet meal and start peaking out the window every 20 minutes or so, awaiting the arrival of my bride.

I saw this article in HufffPo the other day. It initially caused me some concern but I like to think of myself as a kinder, gentler cynic.

All around nice guy Ballmer is a baller now.


  • At 6/01/2014 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I hope you don't have to write yourself up in the FC PD blotter when your neighbors complain about you peaking out the window.

  • At 6/01/2014 2:47 PM, Blogger DJ said…

    Dearest Reader

    Thanks for visiting the blog. Generally a problem exists when someone looks into your windows, not when you look out of your own. Regardless, thank you for your concern. Y'all come back now, ya hear.


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