La Dolce Vita
imagine you've asked yourself frequently over the last few weeks, "I
wonder what DJ has been up to?". Well, I won't over share, but
I'd be happy to recap a few highlights.
The wife and I celebrated birthdays recently. I'm a year and a day older. She took me out to dinner at Osteria Coppa for mine. Before she came home from work, I poured a bucket o' martini and reflected on 57 years of sloth. I let her drive us to the thriving metropolis of San Mateo, where we enjoyed a fine meal, which yielded leftovers. The only down side, as i saw it, was a women at the next table that jabbered non-stop, rarely allowing her table mates to get a word in. But I didn't have to eat with her, so it was merely mildly annoying.
The next night the spousal unit went on a booze cruise with the womenfolk of the village. This allowed me to retire before 9pm on a Friday night, as is my wont. She had bought herself a sound system for the new monster TV in our family room so I was off the hook present wise. I pulled the same Hallmark image printout trick I did for Valentine's day and put the sound system control on it. Happy birthday honey.
I've also interacted with my progeny via Facebook and email. The girl asked me for the fantastic chicken marinade she's enjoyed many times at home. I had to admit that I make it up as I go each time. It starts with one part lemon/lime juice and two parts canola oil. From there I just throw a few spices and garlic in it.
Would you like to hear about work? I didn't think so. Fortunately I have way more years behind me than ahead. But I'll need to figure out something to do when I actually retire. Reasonable suggestions are welcomed.
I got a LinkedIn invite from a gentleman from The Bank of Ghana. I do love networking with other professionals, but I felt it best to decline this one.
I had lunch yesterday with little sis. Since Sweet Basil was packed during lunch hour, we went a few storefronts down to their vegetarian alternative. We each had a tasty Tofu Pad Thai preceded by some samosas. I get to have it for lunch today too.
What have I been watching on that monster TV? Mostly Letterman. When the wife gets home from work at a reasonable hour, we'll tune into Mad Men or Fargo. We are patiently awaiting the new season of Orange Is The New Black. Since I've been under utilizing my Netflix subscription - thanks for the love note about not raising my rates - I've decided to catch a few music documentaries, most recently Muscle Shoals.
is Mother's Day. I bought an actual card. I do not mess with this,
the most sacred of Hallmark holidays. I also bought some flowers,
which I was able to hide as wifey was gone when I got home from
Safeway. Yes, Safeway has a wonderful floral department. But DJ,
what if she reads your blog today and it ruins the surprise? Now
what do you think the chances of that are?
At 5/22/2014 4:09 PM,
YoTK said…
I too, utilizing the"boys" Netflix account, was able to view the MuscleShoals Doc. Very tasty!!
At 5/22/2014 4:19 PM,
DJ said…
good to see TK on the blog
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