DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Dads and Grads

I graduated from high school 40 years ago yesterday.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. Hopefully reading this will be the most strenuous thing you do all day.

One of my personal heroes, Eric Cantor, went down in flames this week. He's my buddy Wig's rep so I had to console him during a recent phone call. He didn't even get a steak dinner from Cantor. We also talked about our Paris trip. The Wig and I are going to leave the ladies behind one day and take a trip to Normandy. My wife OK'd it.

There's been other exciting goings on in the life of DJ. The spousal unit and I spent last Saturday night at the Oakland Hills Hotel, aka my sister's house. We always have a blast with them. We had a kick butt lasagne and some fine wines. My brother was there as well. You see, he's an intellectual, whereas I am everyman. We had a little confusion about his use of the term "prole". My "did you mean" generator came up with "parolee", so I riffed on that for a while. My comedy set after dinner lasted about 45 minutes.

This past Friday night #1 had me over for dinner. His wife and son were in MI so we had the run of the place. This was the menu:

Soy-Glazed Chicken Thighs
Roasted Asparagus and Scallions
Baked Whipped cauliflower

Do you think Don Draper ever pulled off a boy's night dinner like that?

We were joined by The Hotelier and #2. Our conversations are privileged but I will admit to showing them my diastasis. They were unimpressed.

I really do not understand the hullabaloo about Miss Indiana and her apparently "normal" or "average" body. This is not how I would describe it. She doesn't look much different from some of the other contestants. Trust me on this. I've done the research.

I saw the following headline a few weeks ago regarding that insane Wisconsin stabbing.

Now what the hell are you to conclude from that? That the parents are anti-stabbing?

There's a film festival in my hometown

I'm thinking of bringing the Alviso Film Festival to the Hillbarn right here in FC. Speaking of Alviso, it was pretty ripe around my office earlier this week when it was heating up. You gotta experience the Alviso Stink sometime.

summer reading?

My next blog post will be about a dystopian present where people who are celebrities for no reason whatsoever dominate the news.


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