DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Bless me readers, for I have sinned. It's been eleven days since my last post.

I was going to put something up here last week regarding the hullabaloo with Hank Jr. but then I figured enough has been written about that dope. Bochephus wrote a new song about the whole thing. I haven't heard it but I'm sure its a measured and cogent response to recent events. I'm not sure why the hell we are paying attention to these people anyway. Are we going to see Brian Williams discussing Obama foreign policy with Kim Kardashian some day?

There's still no news about my erstwhile professional writing gig. I get the feeling I won't be hearing from those folks again. I was mulling over writing a snarky letter. That might not be prudent if I ever want to use them as a reference. However, I'll still write it. I'll just publish it here. I also plan to keep reviewing the FC police blotter. That will help me keep up with the SLA.

I was disheartened to see Chynna Philips get the boot from DWTS. I read something she said about having to process her feelings. Yeah, process this. How the hell did you get to the stage of your life where you actually accepted an invitation to go on DWTS.


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