DJ Trebek
“Hi, I’m DJ Trebek, the black sheep of the Trebek family”
That’s how I introduced myself as MC of Saturday night’s Jeopardy themed roast for #2’s 50th birthday. Like many of my best lines, it went over like a lead balloon.
I worked with #1, The Exec and TCG to put together the answers and questions for this one. We got help from #2’s best friend to get some dirt on his earlier days, when he was apparently more interesting. I’ll share a couple of them here to promote recycling.
A) Half an hour to 45 minutes
Q) What is #2’s longest job tenure?
A) Foster City’s ban on whaling
Q) Why did #2 finally get a Jacuzzi?
Q) What is University Credentials S(his last name ) Bought
#2 attended, and allegedly graduated from, UC Santa Barbara. This particular item has a story of its own. I had authored this one and thought it was pretty clever, but in discussing it with the Exec and #1, I was not getting the expected response. They were even talking about rearranging it. But I then spelled out for them that UCSB was an acronym. That’s why we bolded the above. The next time I work with these guys I’ll bring training wheels. However, I’d like to add that it is a delight to work with TCG. He always asks clarifying questions and tries to take everyone’s point of view into account.
Prior to this event, my wife and I headed up to the big city to have a birthday dinner at Harris Steakhouse with my father and siblings. The old man hit 88 Thursday. We met in the bar, and as is his custom, he crushed my hand as he greeted me. I ordered a Manhattan, in a lame attempt to appear more sophisticated than I am. We were then escorted to our table. We all had steaks except my brother and father. They have never gone with the flow. My brother had lamb chops and Dad ordered the roast beef. Dad was amazed by the size of the portion. He chowed down and still had enough left over for a meal for himself and his wife. We all exited well fed, many with doggie bags.
The next big birthday will be #1’s 50th. I expect to work with my village pals to put together some kind of tribute. Usually we do something similar to Saturday night’s happening. However, since #1 does not have a sense of humor, we’ll have to improvise.
That’s how I introduced myself as MC of Saturday night’s Jeopardy themed roast for #2’s 50th birthday. Like many of my best lines, it went over like a lead balloon.
I worked with #1, The Exec and TCG to put together the answers and questions for this one. We got help from #2’s best friend to get some dirt on his earlier days, when he was apparently more interesting. I’ll share a couple of them here to promote recycling.
A) Half an hour to 45 minutes
Q) What is #2’s longest job tenure?
A) Foster City’s ban on whaling
Q) Why did #2 finally get a Jacuzzi?
Q) What is University Credentials S(his last name ) Bought
#2 attended, and allegedly graduated from, UC Santa Barbara. This particular item has a story of its own. I had authored this one and thought it was pretty clever, but in discussing it with the Exec and #1, I was not getting the expected response. They were even talking about rearranging it. But I then spelled out for them that UCSB was an acronym. That’s why we bolded the above. The next time I work with these guys I’ll bring training wheels. However, I’d like to add that it is a delight to work with TCG. He always asks clarifying questions and tries to take everyone’s point of view into account.
Prior to this event, my wife and I headed up to the big city to have a birthday dinner at Harris Steakhouse with my father and siblings. The old man hit 88 Thursday. We met in the bar, and as is his custom, he crushed my hand as he greeted me. I ordered a Manhattan, in a lame attempt to appear more sophisticated than I am. We were then escorted to our table. We all had steaks except my brother and father. They have never gone with the flow. My brother had lamb chops and Dad ordered the roast beef. Dad was amazed by the size of the portion. He chowed down and still had enough left over for a meal for himself and his wife. We all exited well fed, many with doggie bags.
The next big birthday will be #1’s 50th. I expect to work with my village pals to put together some kind of tribute. Usually we do something similar to Saturday night’s happening. However, since #1 does not have a sense of humor, we’ll have to improvise.
At 1/19/2009 4:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
I came all the way over here from your Facebook page and must say, the trip was worth it. You have not repeated yourself on either. Now I'll have to continue making the trek from there to here. (And I am very impressed with how busy your life is.) Keep up the good work.
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