DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Local Man Blogs

I saw a headline dated yesterday stating “Trump campaign knew voting machine claims were false”.  You could have printed that as soon as they started that crap.  Lying liars lie.

Trump’s asshole acolytes organized a Justice for January 6th rally in DC recently, but it did not seem to come off as planned, as they were outnumbered by the press and police.  The Twitter wags weighed in, saying I’ve seen bigger crowds:

“at a meeting of the local Crimean War re-enactors group.”

“at meetings of the Star Wars Holiday Special Fan Club.”

“at roadside rest stops in west Texas.”

There was a guy at the rally who sang a song about Ashli Babbitt.  I’m sure that was a mellifluous moment.  When SB1 was a preschooler, he always told me to “sing a song about my day” when I put him to bed.  I’d run through breakfast, lunch, TV shows he watched etc. I’m sure the lyrics I came up with on the spot outshined the Babbitt ballad.

That’s enough for politics.  We got rid of Trump, but we’re stuck with McConnell, Cruz et al along with some ridiculous Southern governors that are letting their citizens croak.

I look to celeb news as a balm, although it is not always good news.  I was sad to see Lil Uzi Vert got the $24M diamond he got embedded in his forehead ripped out by a “fan”.  That’s gotta sting. There must be a better use for a $24M diamond.  Scratch that, there must be a better use for $24M.

Olivia Munn and John Mulaney are having a baby.  I notified my FB posse that they have already begun shared custody discussions.

Scott Disick, 38 and Amelia Hamlin, 20 have broken up.  Amelia may be the spoiled child of Hollywood B listers, but I’m glad she has gotten away from Kourtney Kardashian’s creepy baby daddy. It’s time for her to start a dysfunctional relationship with someone her own age.

Are you tired of my efforts to be a Perez Hilton manque?  OK, I’ll give it a rest and tell you what me and wifey have been up to lately.  We went to beautiful San Jose last week to spend time at the urban garden spot that is the home of 4M and his wife.  We thought about bringing a bottle of our better wine but then realized that would be a faux pas.  We were treated to six bottles of his finest wine. I’d like to clarify that we made a good dent in it but did not finish all of them.

Last Friday the wife had about ten of her work girlfriends over.  I did a little prep help, like lug our classy, hammered metal ice bucket out to the patio.  I thought our in-laws had spent a fortune on that gift, but I did some research, and it was only in the $70 - $100 range.  I expect to point that out to them when we see them again. Otherwise, for the party, I barricaded myself in the bedroom with a plate of food and a few beers.  I came out for a brief charm offensive, but I knew my place and went back to it after a few minutes.  That’s what makes me a dream husband.


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