DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Email Notification??!!

What a concept!  Didn’t I use that term in my last blog?  Well, if you are looking for originality, you stopped coming here a long time ago.  In any case, I have implemented email notification for new posts, so we’ll see if it works.  It only took me 15 years to set it up. The system allows me to send it to ten people.  I was going to leave off readers like Wolv, Wig, and #1 since they check it regularly anyway, but then I said to myself, “How can I leave my most loyal readers out of this technological advance?”  It wouldn’t be right.

The Monica Lewinsky story is coming to TV, and I plan to miss it.  I saw a recent Yahoo headline that asked the incisive question, “Where Is Linda Tripp Now?”  For those of you that don’t keep up with these things, she’s been pushing up daisies since last year.  My wife and I would rather tune into The Blacklist on Netflix.  The plots are totally unbelievable, but they keep our mind off our first world problems, which are legion, such as arguments about whose responsibility it is to turn off the outdoor heaters and for me, ear hair maintenance.  I knew heating the outside of our house was going to lead to problems.  Regardless, we’re inquiring about outdoor air conditioning.

Olivia Jade will be on season 30 of DWTS.  Who the hell is Olivia Jade?, you ask.  She’s a 21-year-old beauty influencer, my old job.  DWTS has added a new twist this year though.  If she gets eliminated within the first two rounds, her parents have to go back to the slam.

The dipshit formerly known as the Q Shaman has agreed to a plea deal for a 41 to 51 month stretch in the pen. I hope he has access to his preferred organic diet where he is headed. I had read previously that he was “wounded and disappointed” that he had not received a pardon from Trump.  These people have nary a clue. At least he’s getting an appropriate sentence as opposed to the wrist slaps some of his comrades have received.

Hey, I actually read a book recently.  It was Bridge of Sighs by Richard Russo.  The Wig had recommended it to me.  He also wrote Empire Falls, which was turned into a movie.  I started watching it and will have to get back to it.  Bridge of Sighs takes place in upstate NY, where I used to roam free range. And I got another book out of the library yesterday, Baker’s Dozen by Michael M. Thomas.  I had read Thomas’ recent obit in the NYT and his work sounded interesting.



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