Ding Dong, Rush Is Dead
I thought that one up this morning during my swim laps, but as usual, somebody quicker and smarter beat me to it.
They say you should not speak ill of the dead, or as I usually put it, De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est. However, Rush is a special case, so I’ll let you peruse the following:
I toss the Latin around with such facility due to the elite East Coast schooling I bragged of in my 2/7 post. I actually did take a year of Latin in high school. Unfortunately, as with all subjects, I paid scant attention. I think one would be hard-pressed to find a school today where Latin is still taught, Catholic or not. I’m in the “back in my day” stage of my life.
It looks like Ted Cruz stepped on his dick recently with his trip to Cancun, putting the blame on his kids. His political self-preservation alarm must have gone off because he returned less that 24 hours later. Of course, he asked Houston PD for help on his return, as if they did not have better things to do. As Charles Pierce pointed out, a regular citizen making that sort of jaunt would have the DEA waiting on his lawn when he got home.
One of Cruz’s partners in mendacity, Gov. Greg Abbott was blaming Texas’ current disaster on the Green New Deal. Maybe I missed it but I don’t think that has been enacted yet. The Republican party should be going the way of the Whigs any year now. They just screw things up until the Dems can take over. I see that The Prez is sending generators and fuel down to Texas, and he didn’t even make any of the pols on the other side of the fence fawn over him.
The Wig’s brother pinged me for my take on Harry and Meghan’s second baby. I’ve been trying to put into words how I feel, but my giddiness is preventing me from articulating it. I did have a chat with the Wig a few days ago. He was unaware of my herculean 10-day blog spree, but he finally got on board and gave me a couple hits.
I must say farewell now and head to Safeway. I’ll be featuring this tasty dish tonight. I highly recommend it.
At 2/19/2021 7:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Both "men" a colossal bonum in their own wrong.
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