We had a good portion of the FC Fun Bunch over yesterday afternoon. Oh, what a joy it is to spend time with this crew. The Hotelier got here first, and therefore was the first non-family member to experience the pergola heaters. Now the Hotelier can lord that fact over #1 during our Tuesday night Zoom call, or the COVID-19 Report, as I call it.
Besides for the Hoteliers and #1s, we were also joined by Charlie and Katie. Damn, those bar names rear their ugly head again. I’m going to rely on #1, The Hotelier, and TCG to work out a solution to this thorny problem, as soon as they finish getting to the bottom of the vaccine distribution issue.
The conversation last night was scintillating. We got into a discussion of “carmel” vs. “caramel”. The below definition was proffered, and I believe I was only one that got it correct. But I was very understanding, as I am the product of elite East Coast schooling.
"Carmel and caramel are not different spellings of the same word. Caramel is the correct spelling if you're talking about food or colors. Carmel is a misspelling when used in those contexts, but it is a word that can be used as a name for people or places."
By the way, Katie’s dessert featuring CARAMEL ice cream was a knockout.
I got a nice comment from The Wolv today, praising me for going 5 for 5 blog-wise and imploring me to continue. I found this interesting because The Hotelier and #1 pled with me, over turkey chili yesterday, to give up the enterprise in its entirety.
I have 10% of my retirement funds on KC to cover the spread. I hope you all have an excellent Super Bowl experience.
At 2/08/2021 11:24 PM,
Laurie aka Katie said…
Glad you liked the apple crisp a la mode!
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