DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Robots Are Strong

I became frightened when I read this article.

So I updated my insurance

4M alerted me to a new fashion trend.  Put some feet on the first one and you have a nice pair of pajamas.  The red one would be good for business casual and I’ll use the black sleeveless for hanging out on weekends.

The phone rang at 5:52am yesterday.  Fortunately for SB1, I was awake and able to grab it on the first ring.  If he had awakened my wife, it would not have been pretty.  The boy needed his Triple A card to rent a vehicle.  I had given him one years ago but apparently the logical place to store it was not his wallet.  It was nice chatting with him.

Scott Walker just watched Canadian Bacon and took it seriously. I hear he is also working on a campaign tune named Anchor, Anchor Baby, sung to the tune of, you guessed it, Ice, Ice Baby.

One of my friends is looking out for me.  I got a brand new Make America Great Again cap in the mail yesterday.  I would have preferred a Bernie t-shirt.  I’m still trying to figure out who the wise ass is.  #1, 4M, The UK and The Wig are prime suspects

Lucy Liu has a new baby.  It was "brought into the world via gestational carrier" 


  • At 8/30/2015 10:26 AM, Anonymous The UK said…

    Interesting that when someone goofs on you there are 4 strong suspects. That kinds of says something about your circle of friends, just not sure what.

  • At 8/31/2015 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Are you sure it doesn't say "Make America White Again"?


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