DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunday Musings

"For the love of god, get a post up!" That is a direct quote from The Wig. I realize I've mentioned The Wig a lot lately. Maybe if the rest of you wrote or called once in while I'd mention you too.

We have a new favorite restaurant in San Mateo. It is a Vietnamese place called Ben Tre. There a couple more further up The Peninsula. We went last night with The Execs. Mrs. Exec had checked on corkage fees and was told there were none so we brought a Rose and a Zin. It turns out there was corkage but we did not get charged. The food is excellent and very reasonable priced. Get over there.

After dinner we all watched The Rewrite, which takes place at my old school. My brother and I had discussed going to see it together but it never made it to the Bay Area and ended up on pay per view pretty quickly. I recognized a few of the locales and it turned out to be a decent flick.

There has been a lot of crazy shit going on. A 73 year old reserve deputy in Tulsa with questionable training killed a man when he thought he was going for his taser. This is a guy that should be down at the DMV being checked to see if he can still drive, not allowed to play cop. No doubt you've heard about all the other recent police shootings. Let's make body cameras mandatory.

I'm sad to hear that the relationship between Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush is souring. Maybe they'll cancel each other out. They should try an ad like this.

I've seen a few interesting parenting articles in the past few weeks. A mother at the Cleveland Zoo dangled her kid over the cheetah exhibit and, oops, dropped him. If I was that kid, I'd spend more time with dad, if he's around. Then I saw the below article on "free range parenting". Times have changed. When I was 10, I was all over the place on my bike. I just had to be home by dinner or by dark. On a side note, I'm my kid's favorite parent.

In gratuitous celebrity news, Madonna kissed Drake. Although this makes her look desperate, I'm cool with it. If they keep their lips locked, neither of them can make any of their alleged music.


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