DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bitch, I'm Madonna

I prefer Holiday

As I've mentioned before, blogging is hard. I came across news last week that Donald Trump was mulling a presidential run. That preposterous idea put me in enough of a cynical mood that I thought I'd mine it for a paragraph or two. Then I read the following article, which pretty much nails it.

When I first heard about the machete attack at the NOLA airport, I though Charlie Sheen might be on another bender. But it turns out he was criticizing Obama for filling out a bracket. Can't a president have a little fun Charlie?

The AP confused Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit with crazy rich guy Robert Durst. I decided I had to check out a few of Limp Bizkit's tunes on Youtube before making a comment. I did so. Both Dursts are guilty of criminal behavior.

What is this dope going to do when she files for divorce?

My bracket is busted. The Wig and I are bringing up the rear in the Extended Village. We did not get much of a turnout this year. My emails probably ended up in the spam file.

My wife gave me a kiss and wished me a happy anniversary this morning. Our anniversary is tomorrow.


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