DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, December 15, 2013


early on a Sunday morning and I'm due for a post so it's time for a stream of semi-consciousness

i may take a little break until after the new year. then again i may not

the kitchen is almost done. we did a bunch of clean up yesterday and that is what is in store for me this afternoon. Unc and his missus christened it with us last night with a little vino and appetizers before we went out to a very tasty meal in san carlos. i highly recommend:

the xmas letter should be in the mail this week. big whoop, you say?

have you ever tried the slate news quiz? give it a shot. i got a 353 on Friday's.
can you top that? prolly

a quick scan of the entertainment news this morning give us the following, which we can add to the many things we should be grateful for this holiday season

Celine Dion's new album is tanking

Miley Cyrus - Snow Storm Forces Miley Cyrus To Cancel Jingle Ball Appearance

and there is another Kardashian divorce in the works. i expect that to be the last one for this year.

i feel the need to open up a little. i gotta shop and cook today and i really don't feel like it

the kids will be home next weekend. i have not seen SB1 for a year. the #1s were back in DC this week and took him out for breakfast. he has to head back on xmas day because of work. welcome to the working week, my boy. it'll be good to have the whole crew under one roof for a bit. we also have a 60th bday celebration for The Exec xmas eve before we fly down to San Diego xmas day.  i'm saving my vacation days for Europe so i'll be working down there for a couple days. my customer is in shut down mode so it should slow.

If I don't get back to you for Festivus, have a good one and I'll check ya in 2014


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