DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, November 10, 2013


11:10 Special Service 131106042
Officer initiated activity at Altair Av/Leo Dr, Foster City. Traffic monitoring tubes placed. Disposition:Completed.

Is this anything like the series of tubes that comprises the internet?

13:37 Vandalism 594 PC 131106052
Occurred on Port Royal Av., Fcy. Passer-by reports chasing off a group of 8-10 yr olds who were hanging on trees and broke some of the branches. Officer contacts the juveniles and their parents; no broken tree branches located. Disposition: Unfounded.

We sure as hell don't want kids playing outside. Get back to some respectable activity, like video games.

14:25 Welfare Check 131106060
Occurred on Edgewater Bl., Fcy. Welfare check on resident that has not been heard from or shown up for work in 3 days. Contact made with subjects wife who stated he is at work but at a different division. All checks fine. NFPAD. Disposition: Service Provided.

Do all the divisions use email or cell phones?

17:54 Suspicious Circumstances 131106071
Occurred on Promontory Point Ln, Fcy. RP reports her credit cards missing from her purse and subsequently locates all her cards at home. NFPAD. Disposition: Not Dispatched.

OK, how long did you look before you made it a police matter?

19:47 Accident Non-Injury 131106077
Occurred at Shell Bl/E Hillsdale Bl, Fcy. FCFD & AMR cancelled once confirmed to be a non-injury accident. Rotational tow requested for one driver. Disposition: Report Taken.

I googled "rotational tow" It looks like they rotate the towing companies, not the vehicle.

20:27 Disturbance 415 PC 131106079
Occurred on Edgewater Bl., Fcy. Anonymous RP reports 5 or 6 subjects with an open case of beer arguing near the tennis courts. Subjects contacted, no merit to the disturbance. Disposition: Abated/Advised.

No beer? No disturbance? Time to cite the reporting party.

21:48 Disturbance 415 PC 131105075
Occurred on E Hillsdale Bl., Fcy. Report of resident screaming and possibly throwing things. Subject contacted, upset over loss of a pet and has calmed down. Quiet on arrival and departure. Disposition: Abated/Advised.

Time for a new police acronym: EAL emotional animal lover

17:21 Welfare Check 131101040
Occurred on Flying Fish, Fcy. RP reports that he just received an iPhone app message that made him concerned for the welfare of the sender and the sender's son. Message was reviewed and message did not constitute a legitimate threat. Advice and an Incident Number were provided. . Disposition: Unfounded.

There's an app for that?

18:01 Suspicious Person 131101042
Occurred at Spinnaker Cove on Sea Spray Ln. , Fcy. RP reports a suspicious WM, gray hair & beard, just drove his Porsche into the alley by the tennis courts. Resident contacted and no suspicious activity was observed. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

For the record, I do not own a Porsche.

20:35 911 Hang-up/Welfare Check 131101059
Occurred on Balclutha Dr, Fcy. Welfare check on 911 hang up. No answer on call back. Resident contacted by phone and officers cancelled prior to arrival. Checks ok, subject was attempting to call India. . Disposition: Checks Ok.

For those less telecom savvy than me, 91 is the country code for India.

21:33 Fireworks 131101065
Occurred on Beach Park Bl, Fcy. RP reports fireworks in the neighbor's back yard. Residents were celebrating India's holiday with sparklers. Contact/compliance. . Disposition: Service Provided.

At least they didn't try calling home.

21:52 Unclassified 131101068
Officer initiated activity at Marlin Cove Shopping Center, Foster City Bl, Foster City.Officer checks shopping center after a large power outage. PG&E contacted and advised approx 7,000 customers affected by power outage. . Disposition: Completed.

My damn power stayed out for 24 hours. Did you mention that? No!

07:39 Alarm - Commercial 131102019
Occurred on Chess Dr. , Fcy. Audible alarm at Universal Vaporisor Support set off by entry front door . Front door found open and interior checked secure. Responsible later contacted at scene and advice rendered. Disposition: False Alarm.

I've already said my piece about alarms usually being audible but I'm very happy to learn that there is a local place I can go to for vaporizer support, as we are approaching vaporizer season.

17:31 Citizen Assist 131102048
Occurred at Foster City Police Dept on E Hillsdale Bl. , Fcy. Front counter Rp requesting to speak to an Officer about using a traffic app while driving and putting information into the App. . Disposition: Service Provided.

Yes, it is illegal, you dope.

22:26 Misc Noise Complaint 131102069
Occurred on De Soto Ln, Fcy. Complaint of a loud party. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.
22:49 Misc Noise Complaint 131102071
Occurred on Catamaran, Fcy. Complaint of a loud party. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.
23:16 Misc Noise Complaint 131102077
Occurred on Compass Ln, Fcy. Complaint of a loud party with Karoke singing. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.

A moveable feast?

05:38 Vandalism 594 PC 131103023
Occurred on Dominica Ln, Fcy. RP reports 4 vehicles (including his own) in his cul de sac that have been defaced with a substance similar to butter. No permanent damage and butter was wiped off. An Incident Number was provided. . Disposition: Completed.

Inconvenient, yes. But I'd rather have my car windows buttered than soaped.

13:51 Abandoned Vehicle 131104041
Occurred on Comet Dr, Fcy. R/P requests conserted effort to erradicate the 1991 White Honda which continually parks for days at a time IFO r/p's home. Also complaining that she can not place her garbage cans IFO her home because of this parked vehicle. . Disposition: 11-24 Vehicle Marked for Observation.

I think they ought to make a concerted effort to eradicate spelling errors by using spell check.


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