DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, November 15, 2013


If you have been paying attention, which is unlikely based on my recent Statcounter results, I've been posting on Sundays for a while. This has worked well with my biorhythms, but now I must interrupt that flow due to an upcoming hectic weekend.

We are heading into the city tomorrow for a sleepover. I'll be bringing my pajamas with feet. I get to meet some of my wife's work friends at an afternoon party and then we are going to check into the Mark Hopkins. Wifey worked a deal on Kayak, or Hot Wire or whatever. I'm a big picture guy so I don't get wrapped up in details. We will be dining at Venticello, which I've never heard of but it got decent reviews, so again, whatever.

Sunday is opera day. It has been on my bucket list for a while and I finally pulled the trigger. Since it will likely be a one time event, like the ballet, I shelled out for decent seats outside of the nosebleed section. We will be seeing The Barber of Seville. I chose that one as I'm familiar with a couple of tunes from The Little Rascals and Bug Bunny.

Earlier this week, in a half hour burst of creativity, I cranked out the 2013 Christmas letter, so you have some snail mail to look forward to next month. It looks like the wife was pretty happy with it so it won't need too much editing. The kids may not be crazy about, but since when have I been concerned about that.

Speaking of Christmas, if you're stuck for an idea on what to get me, this list should help

I'd be remiss if I did not include at least one celebrity item. I was reading a recent copy of US magazine and came across Rachel Bilson's 25 Things You Don't Know About Me. You may ask, "Who the hell is Rachel Bilson?" but that would just demonstrate your dismal lack of knowledge about pop culture. So, #1 on the list was "I educate myself with Snapple facts." This does not come as a surprise to me.


  • At 11/17/2013 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't believe you have any rhythms, bio or otherwise. The opera may be a good start on importing some, but I think your best bet is to stick with Don Ameche.


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