The Week That Was
Say Happy Birthday to my blog. It turns three today.
I spent most of my week at CPAC, which I’m a little embarrassed about. I thought it was the CPAP convention. I was looking to get further educated on my sleeping disorder. But since I was there, I made the most of it. I spent most of my time shooting spitballs and farting in the general direction of Limbaugh, Santorum, Gingrich et al. I heard the GOP described as the party of no and I think that is apt. Maybe GOP should stand for Getting Oblivious Prettydamnquick.
The highlight of my time there was seeing 13 year old Jonathan Krohn speak. He was voted "Atlanta's Most Talented Child" in 2006. Speaking of talent, Hannah Montana will be giving the rebuttal to his speech.
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I spent most of my week at CPAC, which I’m a little embarrassed about. I thought it was the CPAP convention. I was looking to get further educated on my sleeping disorder. But since I was there, I made the most of it. I spent most of my time shooting spitballs and farting in the general direction of Limbaugh, Santorum, Gingrich et al. I heard the GOP described as the party of no and I think that is apt. Maybe GOP should stand for Getting Oblivious Prettydamnquick.
The highlight of my time there was seeing 13 year old Jonathan Krohn speak. He was voted "Atlanta's Most Talented Child" in 2006. Speaking of talent, Hannah Montana will be giving the rebuttal to his speech.
Facebook has a new group.
If you’re the Facebook type, I encourage you to join.

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