Exec Redux
I’ve updated my links now that The Exec has a new blog. His last one sat idle for 11 months. That didn’t deter me from checking it two or three times daily but I’m glad he has some new stuff up now. As far as the old one, dump that to make room on a server for someone else’s blather.
Because of our checkered history, some may think that I harbor ill feelings towards The Exec for re-entering the blogosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth. I welcome him back into the brotherhood with relish, and a little mustard. My post of 1/22/08 was written in a moment of pique. Truth be told, it was a personal issue that had put me in a foul mood. My wife had informed me that day that “I’m just not that into you”. Fortunately she quickly changed her mind and has remained crazy about me ever since.
4M has just sent me a timely article. It bodes well for The Exec and me.
I got a comment from my compadre The Wolverine on my last post. It brought me back to the days when we worked together and would skulk about afterwards. One of our haunts was The Little Shamrock on Lincoln in SF, where we quaffed pints of Guinness and lounged on the old armchairs. I remember being there the night Reagan was doing his mea culpa on the Iran/Contra affair. Yeah, it happened on your watch because you were taking a nap.
The Wolv and I would also spend quality time at his place. I’d thumb through his collection of 33s and always pull out Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks. He was pretty tolerant but one time he blew a gasket and told me not to play it. I said, “Wolv, let me be myself, and shine with my own light”. That’s when he ejected me from his Irving St. manse. I guess I should have put on some Arthur Prysock.
Because of our checkered history, some may think that I harbor ill feelings towards The Exec for re-entering the blogosphere. Nothing could be further from the truth. I welcome him back into the brotherhood with relish, and a little mustard. My post of 1/22/08 was written in a moment of pique. Truth be told, it was a personal issue that had put me in a foul mood. My wife had informed me that day that “I’m just not that into you”. Fortunately she quickly changed her mind and has remained crazy about me ever since.
4M has just sent me a timely article. It bodes well for The Exec and me.
I got a comment from my compadre The Wolverine on my last post. It brought me back to the days when we worked together and would skulk about afterwards. One of our haunts was The Little Shamrock on Lincoln in SF, where we quaffed pints of Guinness and lounged on the old armchairs. I remember being there the night Reagan was doing his mea culpa on the Iran/Contra affair. Yeah, it happened on your watch because you were taking a nap.
The Wolv and I would also spend quality time at his place. I’d thumb through his collection of 33s and always pull out Dylan’s Blood on the Tracks. He was pretty tolerant but one time he blew a gasket and told me not to play it. I said, “Wolv, let me be myself, and shine with my own light”. That’s when he ejected me from his Irving St. manse. I guess I should have put on some Arthur Prysock.
At 2/13/2009 3:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't doubt your sincerity in welcoming back The Exec into the blogosphere. However, I wonder how long these feelings will last? Given your imperious attitude towards pretenders to the throne, I have little doubt of a cat-fight looming in the near future. For example, the manner in which the Exec has misappropriated the monikers you have created to conceal the identities of so called "friends" for use in his own blog wreaks of plagerism. Don't you own the copyright?
At 2/16/2009 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
I guess my own light wasn't shining bright enough at the time for me to realize what a true work of art Blood on the Tracks was, and is. Bob is indeed the man, although I still like Highway 61 the best. For a guy who was, as I recall, raving about how Del Amitri was the next big thing, your own light takes on all the luster of a 10 watt fridge bulb. The Wolv
P.S. Do not make fun of Arthur!
At 2/17/2009 10:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Not making fun of Arthur - but did you know his last great claim to fame was for his tender, soulful singing on a beer commercial, "Tonight, tonight, let it be Löwenbräu."?
At 2/18/2009 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
A man's got to make a living. P
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