Save Me, Daylight
Was it the two cups of Peets or daylight savings time? I don’t know, but I’ve been hyped all morning. I’ll take son #2 for a swim this afternoon and that will hopefully chill me out. My wife and daughter are probably tired of me ranting and running around the house. Who cares! I’m pissed at the wife again. She didn’t say it in so many words but I’m sensing a shift in her feelings. It could just be insecurity on my part but I think things have changed as my looks have faded. Maybe I’ll get back at her by changing my Facebook relationship status to “it’s complicated”.
I headed out to Mollie Stone’s this morning. I usually do the big shop at Safeway on Saturday and pick up a few specialty items on Sunday. The Clash’s “Lost in the Supermarket” played on the radio on my way there to get me in the mood. Among other things, I picked up a ham shank to make a nonpareil lentil soup. I actually gave #1 a ham shank as a gift once, and to the best of my knowledge, the ingrate never used it. I also got some pizza dough for calzones. Here’s a good recipe for the less incompetent among you.
On my way back, I was stopped at the light at Hillsdale and Edgewater. I took a look in the rear view mirror just as the guy behind me started to pick his nose. I broke into a spontaneous play by play. “He’s going in with his pinky, tentatively at first, but now with more conviction. Holy cow, he’s up to the second knuckle! Hold on to your seats folks. OK, he’s starting to pull out. Now he’s rolling it. Will he flick it? Will he?”
Before I forget, I’d like to apologize to Rush Limbaugh for the spitballs.
Hey, did you see The Exec’s latest blog post? No? Don’t worry, no one else has either. In it, he told me, not asked me, to do some wine research for him. Well, I didn’t find the wine but I did get this for him.
I headed out to Mollie Stone’s this morning. I usually do the big shop at Safeway on Saturday and pick up a few specialty items on Sunday. The Clash’s “Lost in the Supermarket” played on the radio on my way there to get me in the mood. Among other things, I picked up a ham shank to make a nonpareil lentil soup. I actually gave #1 a ham shank as a gift once, and to the best of my knowledge, the ingrate never used it. I also got some pizza dough for calzones. Here’s a good recipe for the less incompetent among you.
On my way back, I was stopped at the light at Hillsdale and Edgewater. I took a look in the rear view mirror just as the guy behind me started to pick his nose. I broke into a spontaneous play by play. “He’s going in with his pinky, tentatively at first, but now with more conviction. Holy cow, he’s up to the second knuckle! Hold on to your seats folks. OK, he’s starting to pull out. Now he’s rolling it. Will he flick it? Will he?”
Before I forget, I’d like to apologize to Rush Limbaugh for the spitballs.
Hey, did you see The Exec’s latest blog post? No? Don’t worry, no one else has either. In it, he told me, not asked me, to do some wine research for him. Well, I didn’t find the wine but I did get this for him.

At 4/26/2009 1:22 PM,
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