DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, August 23, 2024

DJ on Substack?

I've been talking to SB1 and #1 about the possibility of migrating my blog to Substack.  It is apparently easy enough that even I could do it.  This would let me widen my audience, allowing people to join up via email. Conversely, it could allow people to treat it like the spam that it is.

We had a good time in NJ.  I managed to keep my pants up the rest of the trip.  Sonny Boy wheeled me around the beach on one of these. Mine even had an umbrella.

We also had a regular wheelchair.  The six older adults went out for dinner one night.  Afterward, my brother-in-law dumped me on the sidewalk when he was rolling me home. I’ve never quite understood the ill feelings he has harbored for me all these years.  I treat his sister like a queen.

The DNC was lit.  It is interesting the enthusiasm that can be generated when there are two decent human beings on the ticket. I just wish Kamala was as good looking as Trump. We’ve taped the whole thing.  I’ll have to fast forward to the part where Beyonce shows up. I have not watched much but have done a little reading, especially Charles P. Pierce in Esquire.  I sometimes send his stuff to Unc and the Wolv.  That’s probably a violation of some law, but I like to live on the edge.

Fox News had a different take. Hannity said the DNC’s theme was hatred and loathing. I really didn’t get that vibe on the parts I saw.  They may find Trump hateful and loathsome, but that would just make them objective.  Jesse Waters referred to the convention as boring.  I have the same take on Jesse as the Slate writer who titled his May article "The Resting Smirk of the Bulletproof Moron". Ultimately Fox had to cut off a ranting Trump on the final night of the DNC. “He’s still talking”.

I think one could say it’s been tough on all of us.

My surgery is coming up Thursday so there may be a blog void for a bit.  Or I might live blog my recovery. I’ll send a status update out via email asap afterward, possibly in an opiate induced haze. 


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