At Week's End
A rainy Saturday morning is a good time for reflection, soul-searching and shit-posting on my blog site. I thought we were done with rainy season, so I had maintenance done on my sump pump. I’ve had it for five years and was informed I was supposed to get it checked every two years. I guess that is why the guy pulled two handfuls of detritus out of the thing. As I’ve mentioned previously, rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
The wife has taken off for the morning, so I’ve attended to my chores before devoting any time to the blog. The kitchen is spotless, and I just got done grilling chicken for our lunch. I was a little concerned about doing it in the rain, but my wife assured me I wouldn’t melt. That woman should be a motivational speaker.
My sister and LA were in town and stayed with us Sunday night. They had spent several days with friends in Sebastopol before heading east and north. My sis headed home, and LA had business to attend to in Seattle and San Diego. They brought a six pack of fine wine from a place near where they were staying. Needless to say, it was better than the budget swill I usually pick up at Total Wines. We all chowed down on my interpretation of this recipe.
I plan to head to the posh club this afternoon to get my laps in. They say the rain will continue until 3pm, so that should keep people away. I can’t share a lane due to my “unique” swimming style, so I should be able to get one as all the wimps stick to indoor activities. The other day it was full up, so I went to the indoor pool as the geriatric water aerobics was about to wrap up. After I showered up, I was heading to the door when one of the aerobics participants said to me, “so that’s how you look with your clothes on”. I could only sputter “Oh my!”. I guess my animal magnetism only works on those over 70.
The Met Gala is coming up and the Wig and I decided we were not going to attend. I see that Lauren Sanchez is working with Anna Wintour on her dress. Hopefully Anna will convince Lauren to cover up some. She and her paramour give me the everlasting creeps.
#1 is down in San Diego so I’m hoping for a hit from down there. These are the things I live for. I’ll be seeing him and a bunch of the FC crew when TCG and Katie host a bday party for the wife and I. I turned 67 Wednesday, and she turned 66 Thursday. I am now in my late 60s, but it feels a little like my early 80s. We had our bocce game Thursday night with the Hotelier and his wife. We almost knocked off the former champs. We currently stand at 2-5, eclipsing last season’s winless effort. After the game they graciously treated us to some excellent chow at Chuan Chim, one of two fine Thai restaurants in our little burg.
I’ll leave you with the happy news that Hope Hicks is engaged to Jim Donovan, the 58-year-old head of Goldman Sachs. Love conquers all.
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