DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, May 18, 2020

Boredom Edition

I have not felt like blogging for a while, but I have the itch today.  Let’s see how this goes.

I’m getting a little puked out by the Trump family, which probably comes as no surprise to you.  Daddy needs to stop egging on the fringe right wingers and anti-vaxxers, but that is old news. Recently, Junior called Biden a pedophile and Eric said that COVID will disappear after the election.  What the hell is wrong with these people?  There is no bottom.  And I came across an interesting tweet involving darling Ivanka.

Speaking of assholes like Musk, I’ve seen a few articles talking about re-working our economy so people like him, Zuckerberg, Bezos et al do not have such a ridiculous level of influence.  I’ll jump on the bandwagon, but I am not optimistic.  I could come up with a few altruistic ways to use some of their billions.

Not a whole lot of action on the home front.  My wife and daughter were talking yesterday about how cooking for one is difficult.  I am so happy at this point that I get to cook for three every night.  Tonight, I will be featuring fettucine carbonara.  The wife and I do not eat much pasta anymore, so I’m looking forward to a big pile tonight.

We have been enjoying the backyard a bit, although it is currently dominated by a tile saw, but I expect that to be gone soon.  This week we expect the shower and vanity areas to be done so we are closer to completion.  We passed our city inspection, so we are going in the right direction.

Last weekend we had a social distancing get together with my sister and LA.  They brought some cute bottles of cocktails and we provided pizza from Pazzo in San Carlos.  And we continue to have our Friday cocktail hour up the road.  We have an unbroken streak going back to early April.  And yesterday The Exec blessed us with his presence.  His recovery is continuing apace.

I also had a well-attended Zoom call with the FC boys.  We are expecting #1 and family to return from Singapore in July.  We discussed them adding goggles to their flight PPE, as an epidemiologist who studied Ebola recently got COVID and he believe he got it through his eyes, as everything else was covered.  #2 was down from Tahoe so he joined The Exec at TCG’s winter home in FC.  The Hotelier informed us that SFO is getting about 5% of their usual traffic.  All COVID questions were directed to The Belgian, who has contributed to the creation of cancer drugs at his day job.  He also mentioned his youngest had her virtual graduation from UC Berkeley.

Has anyone heard what celebrities have been doing in isolation, besides taking scantily clad selfies?  I’ll have to get back to you after I do further research.  I just hope they are OK.


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