DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, March 05, 2012

At The Y

I used to go to the Y when I was a kid. Remind me to tell you a few stories about those days. But for now you'll have to put up with more recent tales from the posh club.

I was there yesterday for a light workout, which is the only kind I can do. There was a dude who was wiping down the equipment with a fervor I had never seen before. I'm thinking he should invest in a cleanroom suit before he comes to the gym again. He repeated the process with every machine he used. Given Mr. Clean's technique when he actually started exercising, I thought he'd get a better workout and less chance of pulling something if he just scrubbed all the machines in the joint.

After big fun in the weight room, I went down to take a shower. It was a typical day in the men's locker room, except for the clown blow drying his six year old daughter's hair. I really wanted to tell him to catch a clue but I just made sure I was well covered and went on my way.


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