DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Scranton, PA Hello!

The new blog strategy is already paying dividends. I got 16 hits from Scranton early this morning and a bunch more from some small SF company. Hopefully the dude or dudette that was reading me while working got at least a small chuckle. Thanks for checking in. I need all the readers I can get. I'm hoping to go viral by 2019.

Dr. Joe is coming for a visit at the end of the month. In reality, he's using my house like a hotel. He's committed to reading the blog before he comes. I told him there will be a quiz. If he passes, he gets free internet access.

Today was a productive day. I got the grocery shopping done and caught up on about a week's worth of Letterman. The best line was "Santorum's campaign slogan: Fear the Sweater Vest"

Holy Cow! Rush apologized. I guess he didn't want to lose any more sponsors.


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