DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, May 24, 2010

Curb Your Enthusiast

After a tough day of cube jockeying and paper shuffling, I arrived home. Glistening in the late afternoon sun to welcome me was a fresh, medium sized dog turd on my front sidewalk. It gets better. Once I get in the house, wifey tells me that Sonny Boy 2 just did the same thing to his bedroom carpet that that cur did to my sidewalk. Fortunately it was on SB1's watch, so he dealt with it. Then my wife slipped him a $20 so he could go to In N' Out Burger with #1's SB1. I guess he worked up an appetite during his hazmat duty. Lastly, my wife heads to the gym so I can attend to dinner chores.

And after a day like that, I have to hear the news that Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato have split up.


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