DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, May 14, 2010

Blame People

I had planned to make a cynical crack about the BP cabal being in as much trouble as the Goldman Sachs boys. The actual consequences will probably be minimal, but it sure as hell feels good to see Obama railing against the farcical blame game that played out earlier this week. When push comes to shove, the weenies in the corporate corner offices will turn on each other in a heartbeat.

I was going to take advantage of the fact that my pal #1 was in Mumbai and Singapore to try to evade my SLA, but my conscience got the best of me.

#2 was looking for a good restaurant for his anniversary but it had to be in San Carlos. We all gave him a load of shit before recommending the Village Pub in Woodside.

The big boy came home Wednesday. I figured he deserved a good steak dinner after college food for the last four months. We have a full house for the next three months. He's already mowed the lawn. Good kid!


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